Bad news *updated with thanks*

hi hun im so sorry we are all here if you want to chat at all

Please look after yourself and take care we are alll here for you. I understand the same thing happened to me. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Im so so sorry tick tock, we are all here for you if you need to talk :hug:

So sorry for youy, it must have been devastating :hug: :hug:
Thinking of you Tick-Tock honey - so sorry to hear your news.

Valentine xxx
So sorry for your sad news Tick Tock - hope everything goes as well as can be expected at the hospital. Take care :hug:

only just seen this im sorry hun my thoughts and hugs are with you :hug:
manda x
Thank you so much for all your replies.

The last couple of days have been hard. I started to miscarry naturally on Thursday evening. I suppose it has helped as I kept thinking "what if they are wrong and I take the tablet". Even though I had seen the screen for myself and knew they were right. When I started to bleed, I thought that it must be true. Hopefully that means I won't have to go into hospital too, I'm going to call them later.

Really not looking forward to tonight as it was OH's birthday the day before the scan and we are going out, with friends, for his birthday tonight. I thought I would be telling them all the good news tonight, but instead I will be trying to avoid the two pregnant women who are going. There is a group of us that studied at uni together, three couples are having babies in the summer and we thought we would be one of those couples too. I think thats what i'll find hardest about tonight. If one person asks when we are joining "the club" I think I may burst into tears there and then. OH has asked me if I want to cancel but it seems so unfair for him not to be able to celebrate his birthday, he never really has a great one as its so close to xmas. I told him if he couldn't cope with it than to cancel but it was up to him. I think he is coping with the whole situation by trying to return to normality as soon as possible. The only thing that is keeping me going is that a couple of people that are going know what has happened and I am planning on hiding in the corner with them.......

Sorry that was so long but I find it easy to say things on here that I am unable to voice out loud.
Hi Tick-Tock,

I'm so glad to hear from you and glad to hear that you won't have to go through medical management at the hospital tomorrow. Maybe best to go and get checked though to ensure that there is no tissue left?

I am worried about you going out tonight - I know how you feel about your OH and his birthday but it may be really hard for you to deal with, especially so soon. Can you let him go without you? Or could you quietly tell everyone what has happened so that they know and aren't asking inappropriate questions?

I am thinking of you - why not try and head over to the Miscarriage board to see if the girls there can offer you any more support?

Much love to you at this difficult time,

Valentine xxx
Dear Tick Tock :hug: I am so sorry to read your post (and sorry to have missed it before now). My heart goes out to you. It's so very sad

I hope your meal out wasn't too unbearable. I think it was very brave, and unselfish, of you to still go. I'm sure I couldn't have managed it in the circumstances.

Please get plenty of :sleep: and look after yourself. Wishing you all the best. :hug:


just to let you know my thoughts are with you! Very brave and unselfish of you to still go out for your OH birthday, I hope you manage to enjoy yourself just a little bit and can start to move on soon....

no one is going to judge you or think any less of you because you lost the baby. You may be surprised how supportive your pregnant friends are especially as they will have some understanding of the emotions you have been going through for the last 12 weeks - so do not worry about being yourself around them!

Take care of yourself and take every day as it comes, things will get easier :hug:
Thought I would let you know that I managed to go out last night. Luckily quite a few people turned up and I was able to avoid the "baby chat" for most of the night. I think the two PG ladies may have realised I was avoiding them but we have decided to tell them in a few days and I'm sure they'll understand that i wasn't not talking to them for anything they have done.

I didn't get the "everyone's getting PG, do you have something you want to tell us?" question but OH did... poor him. He just said to the person "not now, I'll tell you later" but I think it hit him harder than he's letting on as he has made a few comments about how shocked everyone would have been if we'd have been able to tell them good news (us being PG would be more of a shock to everyone else than it was to us, and we were quite shocked). We hadn't been planning to start a family for a few years but we have managed to have the shall we try again conversation. To be honest the thought that we may try again has been the only thing that has kept me going for the last few days, I was a bit scared to have the conversation in case he said not now. However we have decided we would like to try again. I would like to just not use any protection and see what happens but he wants to wait until after my next period. It does seem a bit weird talking about this when I haven't even finished miscarrying but as I say strangely it seems to help.

I also have had to go in to take the first tablet of my "medical management". they said although I am miscarrying naturally they would rather continue with the treatment to make sure I lose it all. And to be honest I want this over as soon as possible as the constant reminder everytime I go to the toilet is possibly worse than actually hearing the news from the sonographer. That has become a surreal memory that may have happened to someone else. Strange how the body helps you cope.........

Sorry for the long post, and for posting such a disturbing story where a lot of you are struggling with your own worries. I hope I haven't upset or worried anyone. Thanks for listening though.
Dear Tick-tock,

I am sooo sorry that this has happened to you. I can't imagine what you have been through but know that it must have been a terrible ordeal.

I didn't really understand the unbelievable worry of miscarrying until I was pregnant myself.

I really hope that you and OH are able to grieve for your loss and move on in the future. And I wish you all the success in the world as you try again.

My thoughts are with you both.
Dear Tick Tock

(((big hugs))) to you for being so brave at the night out.

I really hope the "medical management" works quickly for you. I agree it's amazing what our bodies/and minds can do when coping at a time like this. Just try to go with the flow, cry if you want/need to, take some time to yourself or spend more with your OH. Whatever works for you is best.

Please don't apologise for posting and saying how you feel. We're here to support each other regardless of what our own problems may be.

darling im so sorry. im glad you managed to go out.

((more hugs)) from me. i cant imagine what you are going through. :hug:

keep strong hunnie :hug:

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