Bad incident, now petrified of BLW

Suzie and Faith

Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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We started a couple of days ago. And this morning Faith had some rice cakes which she loved and ate well - so we know she can cope with finger foods.

Then we gave her some plum.
She choked.

She went blue.

I've never been so scared in my life. I froze and just screamed, my sister slapped her back then OH put her over his arm and patted her back. Luckily it worked. She was violently sick and she looked rather scared.

I'm not sure I can do it now.
I thought I was losing her.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I'm sure she is fine now. Babies choke on loads of things.

Don't be scared.

Edit: She may have choked as she isn't 6 months yet. Its recommended to wait till 6 months before doing BLW for some reason that seems to have escaped me
Yeh though she is only 5 days from 6 months and had been fine with rice cakes. :hug: :hug:
She'll be fine - maybe miss rice cakes for a few days.

Finlay gags on them but hasn't choked yet luckily. My nephew has choked on a few things. They all do it but it is scary
Oh no hun, poor you, and Faith! :hug: :hug:

I cant really comment, mabey stick with some more purees and bits and pieces for another week or two, then try again with different finger foods.

Iv never had a problem with Corey choking on anything or not munching it into small enough parts, I guess I put that down to the fact I had to wean him early, therefore he was on rice/cerial and puree's then we've moved onto ALL finger foods etc. Hes been eating sarnies for the last month, anything really. Alot of it has to do with experiance I think. Knowing what to do with the stuff in her mouth... she will get there though. And before you know it will be polishing off Plums no worries.
oh my god i'd have cried my eyes out. hope you're ok suzie? :hug: :hug:

lil lady will be fine, don't know if maybe smaller chunks would help? or giving her a few days to recover? (i dont know much about BLW)
Give Faith a huge huggie from me Collier sends one to and you have a hug aswell
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
give yourself time to get movedinto your new home by then you will have clamed down ready to try again
Faith will pick it up in no time im sure just gie it a bit more time
And well done to Matt for being such a star 8) :hug:
i've posted before about how the same thing happened to connor. its just as possible for them (if not more likely) to choke from being spoon fed, so don't worry about the BLW aspect of it. if you want to do BLW, don't go back to purees but maybe stick to soft finger foods for a while?

scary for you honey, i empathise completely :hug: :hug: :hug:
My worst nightmare! I'm so glad she's ok and loads of hugs to you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxx
Angel won't have finger food. My OH panics and she holds it then throws it on the floor, whilst giving the look of like i have slapped her round the face! BLW isn't for us and i'm ok with that. She eats mashed food rather than pureed.

I hope you're ok now. Must have been so scary for you.
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks everyone xxx

I think i'll stick to her soya yogs and her baby rice for a few more weeks, she loves them :) and then maybe i'll try her again soon :)

I've calmed down a lot now. I just got so scared!
It is so scary - Cally choked on the first day of our holiday on some fish (I was a complete eejit and was tickling her and throwing her around without realising she still had fish in her mouth). She was choking, and I slapped her on her back, nothing was helping, I kept doing it and eventually she threw everyhting up. She was screaming, I was bawling, OH was white and Seren carried on eating her dinner ( :roll: ). It really knocked me for six, and I lost all confidence, Seren had never choked so it was all new to me. But I realised she couldn't eat mush and had to bite the bullet and go along with it again.

Like Purple13 said, they are more likely to choke on purees, and I would just go back to the BLW basics, start with large fingers of steamed veg etc until you get your confidence back.
beanie said:
It is so scary - Cally choked on the first day of our holiday on some fish (I was a complete eejit and was tickling her and throwing her around without realising she still had fish in her mouth). She was choking, and I slapped her on her back, nothing was helping, I kept doing it and eventually she threw everyhting up. She was screaming, I was bawling, OH was white and Seren carried on eating her dinner ( :roll: ). It really knocked me for six, and I lost all confidence, Seren had never choked so it was all new to me. But I realised she couldn't eat mush and had to bite the bullet and go along with it again.

Like Purple13 said, they are more likely to choke on purees, and I would just go back to the BLW basics, start with large fingers of steamed veg etc until you get your confidence back.
:hug: :hug:

Thanks. That sounds scary too. Horrible isn't it. I felt so scared!
I think Faith's problem was that she'd mushed it a bit then she sucked and it flew to the back of her mouth.

I think I will try again. I really want to go down this route. xxxxx
Bee said:
Edit: She may have choked as she isn't 6 months yet. Its recommended to wait till 6 months before doing BLW for some reason that seems to have escaped me

I was under the impression their age didn't matter (as long as they are past the recomended age to start any type of weaning) :think: . I can't comment from personal experience as we started weening at 6 months (even then i recon alice would have gone longer without :lol: doesn't take after her mum and my need for food :rotfl: ).

there are a few sites on the net that have basic first aid type tips for things like gagging (bbc may be one of them...) . I found it a help to read through them so if she did gag i knew what to do. its hard to resist shoving fingers into her gob to get the food out.

problem is they need to learn to gag to learn how to use their tounge (thats how my HV put it to me!).

i can remember bread being the worse - used to stick to the roof of her mouth!
Awww Suzie :hug: :hug: :hug: I can imagine that was scary. Matt obviously did the right thing :)

I think the advice here has been good. Stick with BLW as it is supposed to be less likely to cause choking. Give yourself a bit of a break for a day or two then start from the basics again. Veggie sticks, toast and build up from there. This could have happened with puree or moving onto lumpy foods so its not that BLW is a failure for Fi.

FWIW it does sound like she sucked the plum back somehow. If I think about plum is a small fruit and not one easily cut into sticks for her to hold. Its more likely to be in smaller pieces so I'd maybe avoid that this early on and wait till she has gotten to grips with sticks of food and putting it in the front of her mouth, chewing it and moving it back.

Also as midna said, some babies are not ready at 6 months and don't show any interest. But if Fi is showing interest in food then carry on with BLW and just take it slow for a few weeks. Galen started off the first 10 days slowly, then we had a couple of days off (due to flood etc) and when he went back to food again he really got to grips with it.
:hug: :hug: This must have been awful but so glad you acted quickly and that you had Matt there to help :hug:

Sherlock said:
This could have happened with puree or moving onto lumpy foods so its not that BLW is a failure for Fi.
I was thinking the same as Sherlock about how babies can choke when moving form puree onto lumpier stuff so dont be too quick to rule out BLW.

Sherlock said:
FWIW it does sound like she sucked the plum back somehow. If I think about plum is a small fruit and not one easily cut into sticks for her to hold. Its more likely to be in smaller pieces so I'd maybe avoid that this early on and wait till she has gotten to grips with sticks of food and putting it in the front of her mouth, chewing it and moving it back.
Again I was thinking that plums are probably not the best to start with, I find them too slippery and quite small so the plum could easily have been sucked straight to the back of her throat. Maia loves roasted butternut squash, sweet potato and carrot. I roast them all together with a drizzle of olive oil. Fruit wise she enjoys bananas (squeeze the banana so it separates naturally into 3 segments then its less slippery and easy to hold) and she loves clementines/satsumas but watch out for pips. Toast is a big hit too.

Maybe give her a few more days on rice and soya yog then start again.

:hug: :hug:
That must of been horrible for you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I cannot really add anything that has not been suggested already but i hope you get your confidence back soon. :hug:

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