Bad experience with the doctor :(


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2011
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Hi - I'm wondering if anyone else has had a bad experince with a doctor??

Last Thursday I sex with OH for the first time since finding out I was pregnant, I started bleeding that evening and even though I have read about it being normal to bleed, I had a complete freak out!! - Couldn't see the midwife cuz I'm still waiting for the booking in appointment!

I got an appointment with a female doctor for the next day - I'd never seen her before cuz I've recently changed surgeries.

Anyways, when I went there, I explained what had happened and then two things happened which have left me really angry.....

I explained that I knew I was probably over reacting but wanted some reassurance.....and explained the whole thing....and her response was literally this:

'Well the bad news is that 1/4 of all pregnancies end in misscarriage and there is nothing you can do about it' - I was completely floored, I couldn't believe she said this!! Not the most reassuring start is it?

Then when she was explaining why I was bleeding (well, light spotting really) she told me it was implantation bleeding - that my baby is implanting into the lining of the correct me if I'm wrong but this happens at about 3-4 weks right??? I'm over 9 weeks!!! My baby has def implanted by now! I felt like she was treating me like a complete idiot and not even giving me accurate facts....

Am I overreacting? Cuz even writing this makes me so angry!!! Maybe it's the hormones and I'm being silly - but I told my husband and he said I should have just walked out when she said about the whole miscarriage thing.

Anyways, wondered what you all think??

I had bleeding at 8 and 10 weeks after sex. They send me for early scans at the EPAU who said it was because the cervix is filling with blood because it is engorging and closing and that I had knocked it or it was an erosion. I would have said that was more the case. We stuck to very gentle sex after that or positions ie missionary where OH didn't go to deep. xx
Sorry to hear you got such a rubbish response from your Dr. I can't help you but wanted to send you hugs xxx
It amazes me how heartless some professionals can be!! Sorry you had a horrid doctor xx
Thanks girls - I just felt like she was treating me like an idiot - as if I would be IB at 9 weeks!!
Sorry ur doc was such a poo head! That's no good.
Don't really have any advice just wanted to say hope everythings ok! X

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I have had some shocking experiences with my doctor which left me in tears I have changed doctors because of it. Sadly some have no passion for there profession and just reel of the statistics and there personal opinions without ever thinking how you might be feeling :hugs: x
I hate GP's like this, they make me so angry! As a health professional and the wife of a doctor it pisses me off when I hear people like this who do their profession such a a dis-service! I know some wonderful compassionate doctors who truly love their job and genuinely care about their patients (sometimes my hubby will go in at the weekend when he's not on shift because he's worried about a patient, or he'll be on the phone checking on them - sometimes it annoys me but it mostly makes me love him more :) ). I just wish the ones who are not like this would sod off, find a new job and give us all a break!
Sorry she was so insensitive hon, I would change GP's tbh if i were you. Dont put up with this kind of crap.x
I have to say my gp is lovely when I had my mc he even call to ask how I was and to tell me anytime I needed a chat he was there to listen. I will be seeing him this time and I'm sure he will send me for a reassurance scan.
Not allay bad it's just a shame it's the bad ones that stand out x
Rubbish that your GP was so awful, do you have an EPU near you? you could call them if it's still happening and you're worried x
Sorry to hear your GP was so horrible hun :( If you're really worried I'd go to your local EPU for advice. Hope everything turns out ok :) :hug:
Doctors do generally tell you the facts, my doctor said to me when i was 8 weeks gone, no matter what we do if it happens it happens. Myabe your doctor didnt realise how it came out.
I had bleeding at 8 weeks like youve described and then again at 12 weeeks and all is fine x
I completely agree that doctors should give you all the facts but there is no need to be so blunt. The are health care professionals and clearly you doctor is not being very 'caring'. I would speak to the practice manager about your treatment and ensure that the issue is logged just incase you have to deal with her again.

As Mishi says GP's like this give such a bad name to the amazing GP's out there, it's such a shame

Thank you so much for all your support!!!

Thank goodness the bleeding has stopped so I feel ok about things. Panic has subsided!

I also called the midwife department today (or whatever they're called! lol) under the pretense of chasing up my booking in appointment, but then told them what had happened - they were sooooo lovely, took the time to chat and have also put me forward for a scan at 12 weeks - so that was great.

I guessit's all about how they present the information - she was so blunt that it threw me completely. I want to know all the facts (whether they be good or bad) but they should be professional enough to present the information appropriately.

Luckily my mate works in the NHS - assessing standards of GP's, so she has told me the best GP at my practice so I am going to try him next time!

Reading this really has shocked me, it is an absolute disgrace that she has now social skills but worse that a GP is giving inaccurate facts. To be honest I would complain, but that is me.

I'm glad you are feeling better now but trust me you did not over react! xx
Thanks Tara, I did think about complaining but now I've spoken to the midwife team I think I'll just contact them in the future if I need any info.

There is no excuse for giving out incorrect info though - and for not having a nice attitude either! I was really shocked when it happened. The midwife I spoke to was amazed that I'd been spoken to like that....she was so lovely - reassuring and even though Im sure pregnancy is everyday to her, she made me feel like I was really valued - because I am so excited to be pregnant, I don't want to be treated like just another pregnant woman out of a million.

Ok rant over! lol
My doctor was awful too :( i dont know what advice to give you apart from dont listen to them x

I have endometreosis and pcos and got told by a different doctor as soon as i fell pregnant i need to come to the surgery to be recommended for an early scan to check its in the right place.. so when i found out at 6 weeks pregnant i went in with belly cramps and the doctor basically lay me down and felt my tummy ( you cant even feel anything till 12+ weeks =/) then said hes sure im fine unless im doubled over in pain they wont send me :(

so in the end i went for a private scan what i paid for at 8 weeks and luckily everything was fine although the lady there said if it was an eptopic that if they had waited for me to be doubled over in pain then i would of lost a tube :(

so my advice is if you have the money go private! they care alot more as they are getting paid for it! xx

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