Bad days and blood pressure


Active Member
Sep 25, 2006
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I've had a really tough week at work (I work alternate weeks on back shift and earlies, the earlies being 6am-2pm which is what I had last week). Felt really sick most mornings and I've been utterly exhausted.

Thursday night I hardly slept and every time I woke up I found my blood pressure so low I couldn't feel my hands.. woke up from nightmares and when I went for a pee i found it hard to flush and didn't even notice when i trapped the skin on my fingers in the cap of the bottle of water i keep by the bed til after i put it down.

Then this morning I keeled over in the kitchen.. was feeling dodgy and went to get something to eat and drink but got hit by a sudden wave of nausea and blacked out - thankfully slowly enough that i sat on the floor first. When my OH heard me groaning and came in I couldn't even tell him what was the matter I was that woozy.

Been feeling really upset and emotional all day since, which is I guess not uncommon for me when I get an attack of the low BP (I used to be affected by it a lot when I was under stress but never quite this way) but I just feel like I want a day's break from being pregnant.. feel like I'm always tired and feeling either sick or bloated, and now the BP thing is rearing its ugly head again it feels like I'm never going to feel normal again...

Anyone else suffered from blackouts or low BP in the early second trimester and how did you deal with it? Same question for anyone who's had to work early shifts or hold down work through feeling utterly exhausted?

Sorry to hear that you're not feeling well :hug:

Don't really have any advise to offer b ut maybe if you feel like this frequently you should maybe mention it to your midwife or GP?

Alternatively, if you still feel bad today I would call NHS direct and see what they could recommend for you to do.

Sorry I haven't been much help :)

I hope this might help

I fainted once whilst picking other little one up from school. I have always had low blood pressure. Best to get blood sugar and iron levels checked because they can cause dizzyness.

Also try propping yourself up more in bed so blood circulates around your body more

Maybe ask your doctor to sign you off work for a bit, whilst the systoms are bad. You should feel a bit better in a few weeks, I found the first 14 weeks worst.
Getting the checks done is pretty much a non starter for me as I have a crippling phobia of needles. No, before anyone tries taking the 'but it really is a good idea' tack with me, I'm not kidding or exaggerating, I don't just 'not like' them, I would actually have to chew my own arm off after the event if someone found me unconscious and performed that kind of procedure on me. Really. And yes, I'm seeing a psychotherapist about it, but it's slow progress.

I'll try and take on more vitamin C in case the iron supplements aren't being absorbed properly, and I'll try and eat more dried fruits and stuff as sweet things are making me feel nauseous, so the blood sugar theory holds some weight. Especially as it happened yesterday before breakfast.

Unfortunately getting signed off is a bit of a non starter too, I work through a temp agency and if I'm going to afford all the baby stuff we need and pay off debts before baby arrives I'm going to need to work all I can.. might try and get put on something with more normal hours though, if things don't start looking better in the next week or two. I'm thirteen and a half weeks now so hopefully I should get a bit more normal soon.. :pray:
so sorry you feeling lousy, i hope your psychotherapy works as it is best to get things checked out especially blood pressure and bloods to keep an eye on you and baby. you must tell your MW and GP what has been happening never the less.

hope you feel better soon, besides if you are ill, and the professionals feel you must rest, you must be signed off regardless.

take care xx :hug:
Thanks.. Blood pressure checks are fine, I don't mind them in fact I have my own unit at home as I have a history of this. And I will be talking to my MW on the 24th when I go for my next appointment...

Now I'm a bit more normal I'm less worried, low BP does tend to act as a mood depressor for me.. but I know I need to keep an eye on this.

And I know if I have to be signed off there's nothing much I can do about it (even though it'll mean losing my job) just hoping to address it by the time I see the MW next so it's not an issue..

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