Back to work


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2012
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Hi ladies, I'm back at work Thursday, full time. I gutted. I'm so upset and the guilt is overwhelming. Just wanted go hear some positive stories from mums that also had to go back full time. How I you make the most of the time you have with lo? Are they still happy to see you when you get home? Did the bond between you stay as strong as it was before?xx
Hi Hun,

I went back full time when my little one was about 8 months, I felt bad at first but now I love my life. The extra money means we can do fun things together and go on holidays etc.. that we wouldnt be able to do otherwise. Also because I get 'me time' at work every day I don't need it at the weekends or on evenings so I'm 100% focused on having fun. I honestly think we do more fun activities, days out, crafty things etc.. then my friends who are SAHMs do.
My favourite part of my day is going to pick him up from nursery and having him run in to my arms. He loves nursery and loves telling me all about what he has done today. I don't think our bond is any different to any other parents really. If anything I think he is more secure than children of SAHMs because he knows that Mummy ALWAYS comes back.

Hope that helps.

Good luck with work.

Abosolutly agree with Catty! I went back at 11 months and although gutted at the time, now I know its the best for all of us! TBH we were both getting a bit bored of each other and doing the the same things everyday. She is a more confident secure wee thing now, whereas before she was very shy and clingy. And now we make 100% of our time together count.
Of course when the time comes to leave this one, I'll be gutted again!
I work 4 days a week. Not full time, but near enough!

I can honestly say I am loving being back to work, and working mummy. It's hard being a full time mum and a full time job. But so rewarding.
I feel like on the days off you have with your LO I really make an effort to do something, rather than see it as 'just another day off' I think it's good for them to be with other people too.
Plus the money :) I like being independent, always have been since I was 16 years old. Having adult chat is great too.
And I really do appreciate every minute with my little man :) xx
I only work 2 days a week, but my LO really enjoys spending time with her grandparents and is always pleased to see me. She does different stuff with them and seems to have a lot of fun. I'm sure it's the same if you work full time. Your LO will always be pleased to see you!

I have no idea how people afford to go back to work full time. After my next one is born I'm not going to be able to go back to work as we'll need paid childcare and we just couldn't afford it (I'd be paying out more on it than earning). So if you can go back to work, I say grab the opportunity as I think you'll find the time you spend with your LO is more precious and also the time you spend away from them allows you some "you" time. To be honest, I'm scared stiff about being a full time mummy!
Slightly different for me, as I had to leave my job during pregnancy due to ill health so have no job to return to! But I'm now looking for a part time job.
I feel fine about getting back out to work! At the moment, I think I take the time with my LO for granted and never really do anything out of the ordinary on a day to day basis.. As much as I love my little boy, I'm looking forward to going back to work a couple of days a week. It means I can be more 'me' again and have some adult conversation and it means I have more pennies to spend on ethan. I will appreciate time off with Ethan more i think!

I think it's the same as any relationship, absence makes the heart grow fonder. I love my OH to bits, but god if I had to spend all my time with him I'd go bonkers! I have a feeling after six months with the little fella I'll be chomping at the bit to go back to work!! It's good for them too to have different company and a change of scenery.
These positive stories have certainly made me feel better as I was dreading going
back to work in October. Xx

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