Back to ttc but armed with an angry cactus lol


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2011
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Well after all the ummming and arrghing with my pregnancy test, the witch finally got me this afternoon.
cycle 4 here i come and i have a secret weapon, angus castus (or angry cactus as my o.h calls it). hope it works for me x x
Good luck hun, lots of ladies on here found that AC worked wonders for them so hope it does the same
Me 2 kezza. iv got the liquid form and it looks quite disgusting but it aint bad x x
:rofl: I've used AC this cycle, stopped at CD15 and now just using OPKs. I'm very irregular so hoping it does the trick AND brings us a BFP. ;) CD21 at the mo! :)

FX it helps you hun. x x
Thank you mj. i started taking it due to af being irregular this year and because af is usually very heavy, hence im anemic.

hope it works 4 u x x
P.S. Sorry the witch got you hun. :hugs:

My cycles are normally between 60 and 100 apart so I wanted to try the AC to see if it helped....Will let you know! :) x x
im just happy i know which way i was going, the tests were doing my head in.

yh, keep me updated so i know how it worked out for you x x
Good luck with it hun and fx to geting that bfp xx
sorry the witch got you - boooo!

great post, made me have a good chuckle :rofl: funny boys!

good luck for the next one, hope the angry cactus works xx
Yep, thats my dear o.h for you. he nearly had me saying it when i went into holland n baretts to buy it x x

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