Back to TTC.. **updated with pic** Im not going anywhere :)

Sounds like congrats are in order :D. Will have to check out those lines later though as work won't let it load :(
Becks2008 said:
Hang on a sec but wasnt u bleeding a fewdays ago?

I spotted in my first month- and thought it was my period. It's quite common- think it's just all the 'leftover stuff' clearing out :puke:

CONGRATULATIONS EM- wish you all the best for next 8 months :hug:
Sweetcheeks24 said:
Becks2008 said:
Hang on a sec but wasnt u bleeding a fewdays ago?

If thats a literal question I think a lot of girls on this forum can vouch for the fact bleeding throughout pregnancy especially in the early stages isn't uncommon.

I think a lot of comments are well out of order, if you are suspicious then maybe it would be wise to PM a mod rather than come onto a thread announcing a BFP and post comments. What if your wrong? Thats exactly the reason you need to be PM'ing the mods.

Well said hun :clap:
Yay for you!!! :D I can see the pics :dance: :dance:
This one is a sticky! And im so glad you decided to stay and not let others drive you away!! :D

Becks2008, why are you posting on EM threads again? Cant you just be nice and post elsewhere if she annoys you so much for whatever reason?? After all the trouble last time! Its just not welcome in the forum!!
No getting into anything going on anywhere else but that looks like a very strong bfp to me! Hope your blood results next week are a bfp too! :hug: :hug:
Sweetcheeks24 said:
Becks2008 said:
Hang on a sec but wasnt u bleeding a fewdays ago?

If thats a literal question I think a lot of girls on this forum can vouch for the fact bleeding throughout pregnancy especially in the early stages isn't uncommon.

I think a lot of comments are well out of order, if you are suspicious then maybe it would be wise to PM a mod rather than come onto a thread announcing a BFP and post comments. What if your wrong? Thats exactly the reason you need to be PM'ing the mods.

Well said !! Here Here :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
wait a second, becks2008 i dont need you on my back again and NO if you would like to you can go find the post where i said i was bleeding, please do and quote it. because as far as i know the last time i was bleeding was on the 18th march :think: thankyou so much girls what a lovely surprise for so many replies x

IMO girls this is all getting a bit like playground bitching... :oops:

EM is now in first tri and fingers crossed for her that's where she will stay. Because of all the fakers recently it's easy to see why people are very wary of other users on the forum but it really should be kept to PM.

Can we just leave it now and enjoy our bumps/bumps-to be!?! :lol:

It was horrible what some people said to EM. Anyone know what is being done about it? there were some horrible things that were said.

All the best EM

I was so sad to read your sad news so when I saw your updated thread I was soo pleased!

Thinking good thoughts for little one to stick!
Em...congratulations :hug:

Everyone else...this is getting beyond a joke now. Keep your posts to the topic at hand ie a piece of brilliant news.

A reminder of the rules regarding forum arguments


Remember - this is a relaxing, stress-free place for parents and parents-to-be to share advice and support. Please be courteous to other members - whilst everyone is entitled to their opinions, there are good and bad ways of putting those opinions across. Please be respectful to the fact that your fellow members may have different opinions to you. Please speak with other members in the same manner in which you would wish to be spoken to. Whilst discussion and debate are welcome, sustained personal attacks will not be tolerated.

Note: 24-hour and 7-day and longer bans have now been introduced and may be issued - without prior warning - to members involved in arguments on the forum. If you become involved in an argument, you must cease posting immediately otherwise you will quite likely receive an instant ban (temporary or otherwise, as the admin/mod team see fit). Any threads containing arguments will be removed as soon as one of our moderators becomes aware of them. Do not start another thread asking where a missing thread has gone - it has obviously been removed for a valid reason and your new thread will be removed as well, without notification. If you find yourself becoming embroiled in an argument, please take it up elsewhere - PM, MSN, etc - but DO NOT continue it on the public forum for all to see. We will not tolerate any arguing, bullying or nastiness, nor will we allow posts made with the intention of provoking other members or generally causing trouble, anywhere on our forum at any time. This forum is here to support members in a relaxing, stress-free environment and ALL offenders will be dealt with appropriately. You have been warned!
Congrats hun, there's no doubting thats a BFP!

Wishing a healthy 9 months 8)
omg I just read your threads in ttc, how horrid some ppl can be.

I'm so pleased for you, it's defo a bfp this time, no mistake. Wishing you loads of luck for the next 8 months x
Yay :cheer: So pleased for you hun :D

I'm sorry about the treatment you got in TTC from some ladies. We aren't all suspicious of everyone, honest :D

Wishing you a very happy and healthy nine months :D

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