Back to Back


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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OK, so Evie has now been back to back for 8 weeks now and she STILL hasn't turned, despite everything I've tried! :wall:

I have a MW appointment today but I'm not holding out any hope that she's turned because I can still feel her limbs at the front...

I'm getting awful backache which I can only assume is from her being spine to spine but I desperately want her to turn :( It's so uncomfortable and I have to sleep COMPLETELY on my side (not putting ANY pressure on my back because it's so uncomfortable).

MW isn't being very good with comforting me and has given me leaflets and discussed pain relief with me in case she doesn't turn - TBH, she's put the fear of God into me about it.

I just don't know what to do next... I know what you're all going to say "there's nothing else you can do" lol which is making me wonder why I'm even posting this?! I guess I'm hoping that someone comes up with a genius idea to try and turn her that I haven't already tried!!

:pray: Thank you ladies... Sorry for the rant. xx
I had exactly the same with Ellie, these babies are stubborn lol. She did turn eventually but that was in the later stages of labour. I would just keep trying to turn her and if she doesnt wanna turn then just try and make yourself as comfortable as possible, i remember the pressure in your back its not nice :( :hug: :hug: Not long now hun x
I had a back to back labour, despite her being in the perfect position since 26 weeks. But she turned suddenly just in time for labour :wall: but you never know, Evie may turn just in time for you!
hun, dont stress yourself. she may turn. I was back to back with my mum, but turned when she was fully dilated in the transition stage and was born fine.

My cousin had the same, her baby turned in late labour, and she delivered fine.
Atleast she's head down!!!!! and i cant imagine how you'd be more comfortable if she turned. you'd just get all the kicks to your spine, and man it kills to lay on my back, i cant even sit back on the sofa, i have to sit on the floor no, or my ball!
Isaac was back to back, despite ball bouncing for at least an hr a day for weeks, he went b2b when labour started, but to be honest with you I didn't find it too bad, all the discomfort was in my back but I managed the contractions fine with some co-codamols :hug: After I had intervention, the drip, as my labour was so long, I then found the back to back contractions incredibly painful, so I guess what I'd like to say is that even if she stays b2b, it doesn't mean it will be all terrible, just wait and see, and babies turn in labour, she may wait until you start then turn :D Really do hope she turns though so you can relax about that part of it, very very best wishes, your MW is terrible too!! She's supposed to support you and advise, not scare :shakehead: :hug: :hug: :hug:
both mine were back to back and i tried everything to turn harrison
SHE'S TURNED!! :cheer: Slightly... :think: She's now sideways (head engaged - at last) but she's facing left. MW said she will more than likely float between b2b and facing left from here until birth so I feel a bit better now!!

Thanks ladies :hug:
Don't do any sofa slouching or slouch at all if she has turned a bit. That will encourage her to go back to back again. Babies like the curve of the spine so fit into it :roll: Try to keep as straight as you can. Also sleeping on your left side will hopefully encourage her to stay left.

Also as I understand it many babies turn themselves in labour anyways. They just like to leave it to the last minute.

As others have said, pain relief will be on hand for you if you need it.

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