back to back


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2009
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so thursday just gone i had a midwife appointment and i was told that my little lady was slightly back to back so to try keeping upright and leaning forward keeping my hips open which i have been doing but earlier this morning i felt her move and now i can feel her legs and feet at the front of my bump so i have a feeling she's properly back to back now :(
anyone got any tips of how to encourage her to turn back around haha?!
sorry cant help you there, but i hope someone can help. i dont understand it all. does it hurt with the baby being back to back? x
i just get back ache a lot, it doesn't hurt that much haha
It makes labour more complicated and painful I believe. I think there's exercises you can do to encourage her to move around honey, but I'll google it and see what I can find out. Im sure they often turn themselves round the right way during labour anyway. Hope your not too uncomfy, I keep checking for posts from you, I'm on labour watch lol xx
yeah my mw told me that when i went to the antenatal class and sometimes they have to use a ventouse to help baby out or c-section (i really don't want one if i'm honest) if she doesn't turn and is distressed after a long labour !
i just worry i won't be able to have a natural birth that i wanted so much with as little interference as possible :(
i have been trying to do the exercises my mw told me to do, i need to get hold of an exercise ball really but that'll have to wait til tomorrow afternoon before i can go out to buy one!
i'm hoping she'll turn around in time as she's not even engaged yet according to my notes which i'm fairly surprised about :shock:
i'm not too bad just got back ache which sometimes makes the exercises a bit harder and i just want to lay down all the time hahah :lol:
aww bless, it's so sweet to know someone is keeping an eye out :yay:
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keep moving hun, bounce on the ball, rock on a rocking chair, sway your hips, walk around a lot and try not to slouch! The NHS pregnancy book suggests stradling a chair while leaning forward on the back (bit like a sexy photo shoot!) so you could do this when youre tired out from all the movement!
There is a yoga exercise I teach my preggie ladies. It is very easy. Basically get on your hands and knees so bump is free and facing the floor and gently tilt the pelvis back and forth arching the back in both directions. It's like the stretches you see a cat do - arching the spine towards the celing, then in the opposite direction. Be careful not to overarch the back backwards tho if u get my drift. It is supposed to give the baby more space and manipulation to wriggle into a better position x They say do it for about 10 mins per day x
Aww bless you, hope you manage to get hold of a ball, i managed to borrow one last week and need to try sitting on it daily as its supposed to help SPD. It's funny I was talking about labour with my next door neighbour on friday, she's only got one, he's 18 mths and was back to back, the labour was pretty quick around 5 hours, but he didn't turn round. She said it did hurt alot, but it was natural and she didn't need any intervention. She did tear though and needed alot of stitches she said, but i guess at least it was natural, she said it was totally worth it. Don't know if this will make you feel any better hun but worth a go. Some baby's don't engage until during labour too, so plenty of time.

We should start guessing when she will arrive - i'll go first : Saturday next week (22nd) 3.45am :dance:
thanks for all your tips ladies, i'm deffo going to read my pregnancy book and get on my chair and do some sexy posing after i've done the cat arches!
my mum's gunna think i've gone mad haha!! :rofl:

oh wow, that really made me feel at ease that someone has had a back to back birth with out intervention :D
i'm trying not to worry myself as i have a habit of making everything into a worse case scenario :oops:

ahhh, placing bets seems like a good idea and fun too, my mum's partner thinks i'll be 9 days overdue and have a heavy 7lbs-er :shock: hahaha!!
By the way we got an exercise ball from tesco for a few quid, dont be sucked into buying a 'pregnancy' one they do the same job and cost a LOT more!
My first deceided to go back to back just 2 weeks before he was born, my midwife explained it quite well in that of an evening when we relaxed, I tended to sit back on the settee with my legs up besides me-generally relaxing which was the most comfortable for me. She said that by me doing that, I was creating a natual 'hammock' for my little boy to also get comfy in-hence the back to back! It made sense to me really, so for two weeks, I gave up my comfy positions on the settee and sat on my ball leaning forward on the table!! It was not a natural comfy position for me, but it worked and he turned in time for his birth!! Good luck and try not to worry.x
looks like i'm off to tesco tomorrow then haha! :D
i do put two pillows under my bum to tilt me forward slightly when i'm sitting at the computer and i'm hoping this helps!
i cant belive you are so close now, is it scary or only exciting?
I've been told im back to back was also told i was breech so wish they'd make there mind up lol. I was told to crawl on all fours as this helps em turn x
Merves mum little man was back to back too but i think the things she suggested are all sd in the above. Keep swaying and letstate hope bubba turns for you soon x
thanks for all your tips, i've been on all fours swaying my hips and doing my cat arches and now i'm sitting backwards on a chair with some pillows, i feel like i'm ten again pretending to ride a horse!
i cant belive you are so close now, is it scary or only exciting?

totally both haha!
i'm scared, excited, nervous and anxious!
also curious, i've been pondering all things like what she'll look like, how much she'll weigh, will she have ginger hair like mine? hehe!!
Both my last two were back to back and born with no intervention other than a whole lot of hip swinging!! Sid went back to back during labour and was still born at home with out any problems.

Check out this website
Have you been having any niggles or do you think she is in there for the long haul?
Hebe (#2) was sunny side up until the very last push! dont worry honey - it's no biggy :)

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