back to back baby


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2006
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had a midwife appmnt and she told me baby was back to back. i have been getting terrible back pain and she told me to walk around the house on all fours to try and turn him, just wondering if anyone knows if this can cause any complications?
I read today that you can sit on say a dining room chair facing the back with feet either side and gentle rocking helps to turn baby.

Good luck honey hope this helps xx
sorry hun.. i haven't got a cule about this one.. :roll:

but how are you doing anyway?

I hate to tell you thisd but from experience stephen was back to back in me and my labour was excruciating.Had to have a epidural, no way i could of manged without one.
Had terrible back pain and when the contractions statrted they were in my back and were terrble.Im sorry toe so negative tbut i hope you do not have a labour as i did.
The best of luck to you and hugs sweetie. :hug: :hug:
At least they have forewarned you. With my first I was having terrible back pain all the way through labour, felt all my contractions in my back and only had pethidine and gas and air. It wasn't until afterwards when I asked why I had all the pain in my back that the midwife said, 'Oh didn't they tell you that your daughter was back to back?' :shock:

If I had known that I would have had the epidural no questions asked. If it happens this time that's what I am going to do :D

Anyway lots of :hug: :hug: :hug:
its a lot more painful, sorry hun :hug:

hi, it makes the pushing stage more painful and difficult as baby has to come over a bone at the bottom of your spine. at least you have been warned before hand hun cus many women go thru a really painful labour but you can turn baby right up until you need to push so i wud try all ways suggested. i heard sitting the wrong way round on a chair and leaning slightly forward also helps and dont slouch when siting as this mean baby will return to back to back position as it is easier and more comfy for them.

good luck hun

Getting worried about this myself again now :?

I've tried crawling round the floor this evening to see if that would relieve my back pains, it has done a fair bit so maybe he was back to back. The cat was very bemused with my crawling though and was following me round the room :lol:
mummytoBee said:
had a midwife appmnt and she told me baby was back to back. i have been getting terrible back pain and she told me to walk around the house on all fours to try and turn him, just wondering if anyone knows if this can cause any complications?

Oh Please hun don't let the other posts worry you..... a back to back birth is not guarenteed to be more painful or any longer.
My 1st was back to back and I was only in labour for 6 hrs (which is good for the 1st!) and I delivered with only gas and air, no tears and no stitches.
All my contractions were felt in my back and not a single one in my stomach but certainly no more painful at any stage. My 2nd was definitely more painful and he was laying the correct way but was much faster.
Good luck hun and please, please don't worry!! xx
If it's your first baby and he/she hasn't turned by the time you go into labour then I would recommend you get the epidural, just in case you do need intervention.
Try not to worry though, the baby can turn right up until the last minute. Sam was in the correct position righ the way through and he turned back to back as I started to push!

Good luck with the birth!

i had back to back baby..ok.. yes it hurt but labour does..

she turned last min as i pushed her head out she was turning..i had a shoulder distotia (sp) not a bad one but it was becasue she was turning as i was pushing..i tore a little..(no stitches)

labour was good..i wouldnt worry to much.. try to turn it.. dont relax and sit back in the sofa.. get a birth ball.. theya re really cheap and roate ur hips.. sit leaning over the back of a dining chair, and get on hands and knees for at least half hour a day..while there try rocking hips side to side..all these - if its gonan turn - will help xx
Ruby was back to back, midwife told me off, said it was my own fault or siting with my feet up during pregnancy :shock: :rotfl:

I was induced, and was on drip from 10am-7pm, all my pain was in my back didnt feel anything in my tummy at all but I can honestly say I didnt feel much pain, just discomfort. I stood up the whole time, kept mobile, rocking/bouncing on ball etc but I didnt even have so much a paracetemol (sp?)....As it was, Rubys head was in a funny position and I didnt progress past 3cm so had a c section.

I was so terrified when they said she was back to back-I had heard so many horror stories of pain..hoping you have a positive experience and keep mobile-now and during the birth if poss. Good luck :hug: :hug:
Hi mummytobe

I am in the same position as you, i posted a link in ask a mum and there were several really helpful posts, i am sorry i cant work out how to add a link to the post here but it isnt that old. I have been trying to turn my baby but it still hasnt happened!

If anything miraculous occurs i will be posting and letting you all know how i did it, luckily i havnt had much back pain so far with it

Hope your Lo turns for you, or at leasts turns really early in labour (this is what im hoping for!)

:hug: :hug:
Im sorry we all sound so negative and i do hope she turns soon cos otherwise ouch.
Good luck and if it gets to bad scream for drugs!

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