Back to Back Baby?


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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When I was in hozzie this week being monitored my midwife told me that LO is slightly back to back.

She has said not to worry because if it gets nearer the time and he still hasnt moved they can give me positional exercises to do to help him turn round the right way. She also said he still has lots of room to move so its not set in stone yet, he isnt engaged yet either.

Has anyone else had experience of this is pregnancy? If so, did you baby turn and if it did, did it do it on its own or by doing these exercises?

Also, how bad is a back to back labour? (Just incase lol!!)

Thanks in advance! xxx
dont worry jaidy baby will move around a lot before then, when i got to hospital hayden was back to back..and he turned just before delivery..i just had this burning sensation down my legs with each contraction and pain in my lower back but you can get that anyway if baby is n a nerve on the way down! i'm sure bubs will turn befre labour if not..its not that bad! x
So did he literally turn just before you pushed him out then Fran??

I know I got ages yet, but I wish he would just turn around now and stay there lol!! Save me worrying!

You pretty much had a back to back labour then?
Mason was back to back and I had a horrible labour :(

This time round I made sure I did lots of the exercises from early on to help make sure Brody was in a good position.

You can do easy things to help, for example, don't slouch back on the sofa, but lie on your side, or sit leaning slightly forward.
Swimming is a great way to help positioning, as is crawing round on all fours!
One of the recommendations we were given was to sit on an exercise ball. I found this was actually very comfortable and helped stop my backache as well. I also used the ball during labour to sit on, it helped massively. It was only £2.99 from Argos, though if you don't have a desent bike / car pump with the right attachment you will need one of those as well.
JaidyBaby said:
So did he literally turn just before you pushed him out then Fran??

I know I got ages yet, but I wish he would just turn around now and stay there lol!! Save me worrying!

You pretty much had a back to back labour then?

yeah he turned at the last min so basically all the rest of my labour was back to back but i think its the pushing out bit that affect you most as they have to turn further..or its more complicated to manouvre in the birth canal because of the postion.
i've heard the birthing ball is good for this and as Urchin said..the way you sit etc can affect the babys position! your little man has plenty of time to turn round so i expect he will..bounce on the birth ball when watching tv!!
Thanks so much everyone, im on the case!!
At my antenatal class on Tuesday the MW suggested scrubbing all the floors at home if your baby is back to back. This throws the baby's weight forward and makes it uncomfortable for him to remain in the back to back position so maybe that's worth a try???
Ooooh thanks for that little tip Shaz!
My midwife told me this as well on wednesday :cry:

I'm slightly scared my labour will be more painful now :cry: :cry:

She told me to do some exercises and put my knee in a certain position.. but she forgot to demonstrate :?
Back to back labour isn't nice at all but then I haven't had a 'back to front' labour to compare it to! Do the exercises religiously and hopefully LO will turn in time - there's still plenty of time for it to happen!


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