Back from sweep happy but upset!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2006
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had a sweep and midwife said something about my cervix being closed but my cervix are thinning!
also got home and wiped myself and there was blood but no jelly the blood looked really wierd not like blood more like sandy texture but red! :oops:

Have to go for a scan tomorrow as baby is not growing and is measuring 37cm so they are going to check my placenta is still working!

BUT................ im being induced monday at 6pm yipee! :cheer:

Really worried about the baby and the blood thing after sweep! :cry:
hi hun i was told after my sweep to expect some blood cos its uncomfortable so don't worry about the blood hun :hug:
shelley, dont worry about the blood petal was same as what i had dont worry about growth scan can you remeber when she sentme for mine and he was bigger than he should of been and she told me he hadnt grown for weeks, i told u hun that MW is as usefull as a choccy teapot ... LESS in fact as a choccy teapot probs tastes lovely trust me you will be fine and so will our little lady, and if she isnt here befor monday then youll do just fine then too :hug: love you :hug:
Awwwwwwww, looks like you got some lovely reassuring answers about the blood, so I'll just wish you all the best for the induction, if not before :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
yey induction on monday, i bet the day can't come too soon :hug:

all will be fine with the scan i'm sure, she couldn't have been that worried else they would induce you before surely :think: be thinking of you :hug:
Good luck with the induction Shell but you never know baby Faith might still come on her own...few days yet!
good luck with the inducation if nothing happens any earlier

Im sure all will be okay hun!! At least you get to see babes by Monday the latest :hug:
Think about the positives wanabe.....I'm measuring small too (35cms when I was 38 weeks) Bump hasn't grown since December 27th!!!

I think these things are quite common - I have asked LOTS & LOTS of questions!!! :lol:

37cms is still a good size & I'll settle for that when I go back on Thursday.

Be happy & enjoy the remainder of your pregnancy, it's hard I know but trust these people they do this kind of thing EVERY DAY :hug: :hug: :hug:

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