Back from scan..

positivity :)

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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hi girls, thank you for all your support recently and all ur lovely wishes in princess81's thread :)

so to recap we were told that due to a low PAPP-A result our baby was at risk of low weight and premature birth.

so we went in for the scan and before we started the consultant told us that the risk is a chromosomal disorder - however, its not downs or edwards syndrome (he mentioned one other but i missed it!) came as a bit of a shock as the midwives hadn't mentioned this.

so we both looked terrified and he started the scan (this dr had no emotion at all) eventually he told us the baby's size and weight is perfect and everything else is in working order :)

he said that because that is all fine, there is an even smaller chance of chromosomal abnormalities, however there still may be something wrong.

he said we can have the amniocentesis test. he said he is going to do my 20 week scan on 28th July, he is expecting baby to be fine, but said on that day he can do the test if we wish.

so, baby is fine right now but we have been told there could still be something wrong. we're going to think about it for the next 4 or so weeks and then make a decision about the amnio test then. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
It sounds more good than bad hun :hug:
I'm sure all will be perfect :hug: lots of love xx
Hun have been thinking of you all afternoon, well it sounds like thinks are in your favour and with bean growing well thats a really good sign. Fingers crossed your LO is completely well. Xxxx
ahh, all is good and keep foccusing on that. Good luck, xx
Thats all sounds very optimistic :)
If I were you is go for the test. It's nerve-racking but worth it to know what's wrong! Hope your ok love! Keep that chin up xx
Pinky, how far gone were you when you had it? what do they do? xxx
I'm glad everything is ok. More positive thoughts and I'm sure all will b well :) xx
I had the cvs which is the same except they take a sample of the placenta (unlike the amnio which tests the fluid I think) they basically lie you down on a bed and inject you with anaesthetic then very quickly they insert another needle (going on OH here I had my eyes shut lol) apparently the needle was just as tiny as a normal injection one but it had another needle inside it!! They then take the sample (which I assume will be less painful/uncomfortable as it's not scratching the placenta like I had.) they ask you to rest for 24hours (I got them to sign me off for 48.) it hurt more after to be honest but had some paracetamol and a sleep and It wasn't too bad just sore for about 5-6days after.

I was only about 11-12 weeks. We felt we couldn't wait to have an amnio as we would be too attached to the baby.

What are your stats on having a problem?

I really suggest getting it done ASAP as you get your results quicker and the less time worrying and stressing the better!

Where have they referred you to?
they are doing it at my hospital, chelsea and westminster. i think i'm deffo going to have it so at least i know rather than spend the next 5 months worrying about it.

my OH wants to wait until 20 weeks as the consultant said its less chance of a m/c the longer u leave it. what did they tell you about m/c? thanks for your help pinky xx
Glad baby is putting on weight hunny, keep thinking positive and im sure everything will be fine. Congratulations on team blue again :D x x

ah thanks m2a - i said to the consultant he looks a bit of a chubber (the baby not the consultant lol!)

We had a 2% chance (for 2 weeks after) but as everyone said 'a horse with 98% chance of winning would be worth a bet' but obviously it's your choice to make. My only issue leaving it late is how I'd feel if it was bad news!
We had ours at queen charlottes in hammersmith they were lovely but I'm not overly impressed as we were meant to get our second results today but they don't have one!

Anything you need to ask if you want to talk about it I'm all ears. It's such a hard choice to make but whatever choice it is it'll be right for you!
ah thank you hunny, so what is the result ur waiting for today? how annoying they've not told you! u couldn't get it done in ur local hospital then?

i think i probably will have some questions, otherwise i'll be googling, never good. thanks for your help i really appreciate it xxxxxxxxxx
Im booked in at hillingdon bit they don't do the test there. Queen Charlottes is a specialist maternity unit apparently!

Were waiting to find out if he has a heart problem (I still get all excited when I sat he!) along with some other things I think! It's amazing what you can tell from cells these days.

PM me whenever you feel the need love x
Sounds like baby is doing well, must be a relief, hopefully the 20 week scan will be just have positive x

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