back from hospital


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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Just got out of hospital, had period type pains since yesterday, couldn't get hold of midwife suprise suprise! Rang labour ward who said come in, was hooked up to monitor for half an hour baby got really strong heart beat and moving around loads, I didn't have any tightenings. Slight trace of protien in wee but not enough to be causing pain. Been sent home with codine. Doc thinks because of on going ligiment and mussle pain that its just the way baby is positioned she's head down already apatently most babies with 1st pregnancy don't move until 34-36 weeks so she's ready and waiting. Aparently pain will keep getting worse until she starts to engage bloody brilliant, on another note got to see the new birthing pool that only got finished today its gorgous x
with my 2nd i got loads of those pains and they were down to water infections as when they were first tested they came back clear and was only after a few days the infection showed up so id say is a good chance its a uti
Thanks got a midwife apointment tomorro and a apointment with the consultant on the 22nd to keep an eye on the pain FX it is that so atleast they can do something about it because I don't want to have to the codine the gave me x
Glad its all ok, mine was head down at 31 weeks on its scan but they said not to pay much attention because they can move and move again between then and 36 weeks... why does everyone seem to say different things lol x
ask them to check with the dipstick that has all the colours on as thats what mine showed up on, but never the basic one, and if it is a uti and doesnt get treated my consultant said it can spread the the kidneys and cause an onset of labour in severe cases
Will defo ask them to check tomorrow thanks.i know what you mean redbear everyone seems to be singing from diffrent hymn sheets x
i agree with u redbear, i was told my mw with my first they move around for ages and only stop at abour 36/37 weeks and pregnancies after that they can pop out of position right up til labour

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