Back From Hospital Tour!


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2008
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Well just got back from our hospital tour which I was expecting to be a real bore, and instead I was really impressed.

They showed us the delivery suite (usual hospital rooms and very medical), but then they took us to the birthing unit - a midwife lead centre. It was so quiet in there, with very low lighting - lovely pastel painted rooms and only one of the room has a bed, the others have yoga style floor mats, birthing balls etc and one room has the most fabulous birthing pool, complete with candles. Apparently most of the midwives are also trained in using essential oils, to be used through the labour - bliss!! Do all hospitals offer this??

The only drawback is that no epidural is available, but if I decided I really wanted one they could move me - its just round the corner from the main delivery suite.

I am now absolutely positive I want to have my baby in the birthing unit - as long as I meet all criteria - you cant even have had low iron levels to qualify (maybe why it was so quiet), so keeping my fingers crossed everything continues to go well and I get to qualify for the birthing unit :D

Back to the MW's tomorrow to check baby has grown after last week being told he was on the small size - so keeping everything crossed he is fine and I dont have to go for a growth scan !!!!!
I hope you get what you want, we have one but im not allowed to use it :(
Wow the birth centre at my hospital wasnt like that!! :shock: Yoga mats and candles?!!? Cool!
I wasnt allowed to use the BC either as i was recommended to have an epi! Turns out I could have used it after all :lol:
we don't have a local birthing centre. my local hospital is midwife led, so a lot more laid back. but i won't be giving birth there because there's nothing they can do if there are complications or you want an epi. fingers crossed neither happen, but i'd rather be safe than sorry.

that does sound awesome though, especially the essential oils part.
This is exactly what i was going for. Hopefully you will be able to give birth there it sounds soooo lovely. Look at it this way, yes you wont be able to have an epidural there, but everythings so relaxed and layed back you probably wont want it. Everything will be so calm and natural and the birthing centre near me had a very low percentage of births that needed any intervention whatsoever including forceps, pain relief (other than G&A) or c-sections. Just shows you how different the whole birthing experience can be with the right surrounding. Just go with it, enjoy it and trust your body :)
we have a midwife led unit which is over the corridor to the consultant led care, i am told its pretty much like what you described but as i dont qualify for it (due to my asthma) i havent been to check it out.

I was told at my antenatal classes though for those of you that think you want to try it without an epi but then decided you want one its easier said than done being moved, but thats our hospital might not be the same your end.
sounds good!! :D fingers crossed you have no compliacations etc (i wouldnt be allowed through as i have low iron levels!!!)

The midwife told us at our last class that many of the rooms in the labour ward where I will be going are kitted out with mats/beanbags/balls etc.... they very much promote active birth, which I love! :D I think there is beds in the rooms too but these are generally pushed to the side to encourge mobility etc.... impressed with what i've heard already.... cant wait for my visit in 4 weeks time! :D
I am going for a hospital tour on Monday so will let you know what my hospital offers. Hope it's as nice as yours :wink:

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