back from dentist


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2006
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Well im back and he didnt do it!

I had the injections (didnt feel a thing - he is good like that my dentist) and he drilled the old filling out (its the noise - urgh) then it was at the nerve and my whole body jumped and i started shaking and LO was kicking me. He appologised stoped for a minuted and then said he would have to have a closer look, so he did (while prodding it) and i flinced and spazamed again lol and he said that on close inspection the nerve was not dead or dying but still a little inflamed so he didnt want to do the root thingy as it would be agony for me (to late already is I thought lol) so he said he would have to hurt me for a few more seconds and put some medcine (said the name but i cant remember) on the nerver which would either kill it or cure it!! So he put the medicin on which was painfull as he had to touch the nerver and coat it in the medcine, and then put a tempory filling in for a few months. So basically now, I have to wait and see, he said when he removes the temport filling one of 2 things will have happened, either the nerve will be dead so he can do the root thing with out causing me much pain at all, or the nerve will be cured and just a new filling will need to be put in.

Cause the nerve was ok and alive, and it was the end of it.....boy did it kill!!

now the right side is numb and my mum found it highly amusing watching me try to slurp a cuppa without spilling it lol

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