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Tillytots said:
Yep he is a biggun! :lol:

They said he is quite big for a first baby and especially big for me ( Polly Pocket) so expect labour to be rather long....thats why they havent given me an induction date because they said usually inductions = even longer labour and things will probably go pear shaped if Im induced so its best to let things progress naturally.

My fluid was ok. The sonographer didnt measure it but said it looked fine...although she said it was fine when it was high :lol:

My BP and baby size is more of a concern now. BP was up to 148/95 but came down to 145/80 which they were happy with.

I think thats good they would rather let you go into labour naturally. If an induction can be avoided it has to be better for you and LO. Far less stressful and hopefully will mean less problematic also :) I am relieved for you on that count :hug:

BP sounds good. It can get higher toward the end anyways, so long as they are happy with it then :)

Oooooooo come on little Nemo :cheer:
I was pleased they didnt say Induction really, even though Id love him out now!! Id rather him come when he is ready. The little monkey had both his arms crossed over his face today with one eye peeping out :rotfl: I dont think he wants to come out anytime soon :roll:

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