back from bristol.. good news and bad news (from littlejen)


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2007
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well ladies.. im not to sure what to say so forgive me if i babble on abit..

first the good news

jess weighs 509grams and has grown a little bit..

now the bad news

the blood flow throw the placenta has rapidly deteriated (sp) so jess is getting less blood flow now than she was 2 weeks ago... they have started me on steroid shot to help mature her lungs.. and gave me and steve 2 decisions which we have to make by monday

we have to go back for a scan on monday regardless of what we decide to do

1) have jess delivered on monday
2) try and hold on a few more weeks to see if we can get her bigger and stronger

if we take decision 1 then they will deliver monday.. jess is very poorly that we already know.. but while she has a strong heartbeat and is still kicking then she MIGHT just have enuff strength to fight outside of me (but very small survival chance)

if we take decision 2 and hold on for a few more weeks to try and get her bigger and stronger then we risk losing her while she is still inside me as the blood flow is only getting worse and a delivery then wud be to late

steve and i have decided to go with decision 1 and hopefully have her delivered on monday.. i have no idea if we have made the right choice or the wrong choice all i know is that while my little girl has a gud heartbeat.. then having her delivered has got to give her more of a chance.. if see stays inside of me then things are going to get worse and she will only get weaker as the blood flows is getting worse

how do u know what the right thing to do is ??
Hun I'm thinking of you all :hug:

Good luck for Monday, I'm sure she'll be just fine she a little fighter :pray:
hope all goes well on monday. i can't imagine how you must be feeling. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
you have made the right decision for you and Jess, i cant even begin to think how hard that was to make, she is a little fighter and if she is as strong and brave like her mum is she will give it her best, we are all here for you to lean on if you need it, we are all thinking about you, and we are willing Jess to stay and fight, i am so hoping things go well on Monday, what time are you there?
Ah hun, what a horrible decision to make. The only thing I can say is what is your heart telling you. Go with your instincts, you are her mum and you know her best. I keep everything crossed for you and your family, especially baby Jess.
Modern technology can work wonders these days hun, im sure you have made the right descion.. i'll be thinking of you on monday and :pray: little jess will be ok... :hug:
hope you dont mind me popping into 2 nd trimester but i just had to tell you that i think you have made the right choice and hope everything goes well on monday and your little one sounds like a right little fighter. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
what a difficult decision to have to make. Wishing you all the luck in the world for Monday :hug: :hug:
What a horrible decision to have to make. I really feel for you, I can't begin to imagine how you feel but I hope & pray that your little fighter can keep going strong after delivery. :hug:
I think what feels right for you is the right decision.

Having said that, I too would have gone for the decision to deliver on Monday. I think it gives Jess the best chance and we know how strong she is at the moment.

Wow, how you have captured the hearts of everyone here!

You're always in my prayers!

Ladybird xx :pray: :hug:
i think you have made the right desision for yourself hun and jess, she sounds like such a fighter and i know she will continue to keep on fighting

will be thinking of you all on monday :pray: :pray: :hug: :hug:

Edit- have PMed you hun :hug:
Hi littlejen,

I've been following your story and think that whatever decision you and your OH have made, would be the right one - you are the ones directly involved and have seen the consultants etc - you are going to make the right decision for your daughter, I know it.

I'll be thinking of you on Monday. Please keep us updated if you can in any way possible.


Valentine xxx
Whatever desison you took, its risky, but ......its your desison to take and im sure that you took the best one you could and sounds like she ois better out then in at the present time.

Good luck monday and il be thinking of you all :hug:
That really is a difficult decision to make but I think you are doing the right thing.

I'm sending you loads of hugs and will keep praying everything goes well.

:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
not sure if you read everyones comments..

i think you are making the right decision.. a few weeks back you were praying she would get to this point.. so i think your doing the right thing. you have to give her a chance on her own.. its riskier her staying inside you due to the decreased blood flow.. good luck to jess and you x
What a difficult decision to have to make. I would have made the same decision as you. I will be thinking of you on monday and hope she keeps on being the fighter she has so far!

Sending you lots of prayers and hugs

I am so sorry you and your family have had to go through all this. It is difficult enough for you with Jessica's situation without having to make a choice. My placenta had almost given up with my dd, but I wasn't given a choice and I had a caesarean immediately when we found out. I felt bad enough without having to worry about what choices I had. I really can't imagine how you must be feeling right now, just remember you aren't alone.

I also think you have made the right decision, she is doing well at the moment, and she is likely to only get weaker the longer you carry her. Yes, she is very small, but she has her gestation on her side and she will be much stronger because you have made it to 28 weeks. The steroids you have had will also make a huge difference to her.

My dd was born at 28 weeks and she was 640 grams at her smallest and she is now a happy and completely healthy 6 year old. She is incredibly intelligent and the only noticeable difference is that she is still a bit small for her age.

We will all be thinking about you and Jessica and your family and you have plenty of support. If you want to talk, rant or anything feel free to pm me.

Take care. :hug:
i would have done the same thing - sounds like she has more chance if she is out right now.
she is such a little fighter! :hug: :hug:
when my mum gets home tonight no doubt she will ask if i know anymore - everyone here at number 17 is right behind you just like everyone on the forum!
I will be thinking of you on monday - i wish you all the luck in the world! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I think you made the right choice. I will be praying for her again tonight. Take care x :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
OMG. What a decision to have to make. Good luck littlejen and Jess. We'll be thinking of you. She sounds like a little fighter. :pray:
L xx :hug:

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