Back again :(


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2012
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So, after a MMC in Sep this year at just short of 9 weeks I've had another MMC confirmed on Thu, again at just shy of 9 weeks :( Had D&C yesterday and now just deciding whether to wait for first AF like last time or try straight away. I feel lucky in some ways that both times I've got my BFP first try but so unlucky to have lost them both.

I'm fortunate that in my area you get referred for further tests after 2 MCs so I should get an appt through mid-Jan. I just turned 35 on Tuesday (not the birthday week I had planned) and my hubby works away from home and leaves mid Jan for 3 months so my instinct tells me to try again straight away.

Can't believe I'm here again especially after seeing a heartbeat only two weeks ago and being bang on track with dates xx
Im sorry for your loss honey! It is a good thing that your authority offer you tests etc after 2. I wish you all the luck! Take careXxx
so sorry to hear this happened to you again - look after yourself and if you feel ttc again straight away is right for you and you were told no medical reason to wait then do so.
honestly i would wait till your appt hun as it be something so simple. xx
so sorry to hear this news. Even though i got an "unexplained" rmc diagnosis in august, this pregnancy they have put me on aspirin (was on this ttc), vit d, heparin injections and progesterone suppostiories. I'm praying this does the trick... You have to just wait it out for the tests though first off. I can't believe you got to see the heartbeat at 7 weeks then had a mmc, that is so awful, my heart goes out to you.
Thanks all. I know the common sense thing is to probably wait for tests but they also said that it very rarely comes back saying anything's wrong so I don't want to miss the chance of getting bfp again before hubby goes away for 3 months. It was really tough having seen the heartbeat. First mmc, it was wrong from the start with bleeding from day one and didn't develop beyond fetal pole. This time felt so posirive seeing heartbeat but it died literally days after the scan. Worse case scenario I get bfp straight away and miscarry again before tests in jan. if I can cope with one more loss I kind of think its worth the risk especially if it does end up just being bad luck xx
So sorry, its heart wrencing isn't it. I think you should go for it! We're only on the planet once and you should be having fun with the hubby and take the opportunity to try again. It can only make you stronger. I sound like a hippy! Good luck xxx
Really sorry to hear this. I've also had two in a row, both the same gestation :-(

I hope you're ok. You're "supposed" to wait one cycle but I think you actually don't if you had a D&C or an all clear from the scan (I had the all clear on the scan) xxx
Thanks katyloumc. think I will just be going for it assuming hubby feels the same. Hubby goes back to work in China at the beginning of Jan. so chances are I'll just be getting first AF before he goes back so the only way to get another BFP soon would be to try before next AF in a couple of weeks. I'm due to get referred for further tests mid Jan and hubby should be due back beginning of April so even if I did get BFP straight away again I'll either be past the 12 week mark for him coming back or have dealt with another MC and then get tests done before he's back. Would hate to get the all clear from tests and have missed the boat with trying again. Also, hubby will only be home for 3 weeks at a time every 3 months so won't have that many opportunities :(

Sorry for your losses Lozzaste. It's horrible to go through it once let alone twice. You can put once down to bad luck but twice or more just seems so unfair. Are you planning or leaving it a bit before you try again? xxx
Hell no, I'm 7DPO right now :) I started trying as soon as the scan said I was back to normal.
Twice is hideous luck. I'm seeing a geneticist tomorrow as there is a possibility mine could be genetic. I'm also seeing the recurrent miscarriage clinic on Thursday, so it would be rather ironic if I did get a BFP this month. To be fair though, we didn't "try" that hard, I just knew I was ovulating and it happened to be a
I think go for it, especially with your hubby being away so much, you had a D&C so the wait period doesn't apply (I think anyway) Ask your doc, and see what they say. Both of mine were natural missed miscarriages, with the last one we had two scans both with heartbeats, so it made me very sad. However, if I get pregnant again, I know what I could be letting myself in for but I won't give up x
I'm so sorry , Iv'e only had one mmc so far , baby died at 9 weeks too , found it at 12 wks.
so for you, 2 mmc's must be much harder. They told me there is alot of development at 9 weeks stage so can show up issues etc..

I didn't wait either after d&C, I wuld buy opks tho as my cycle had changed and I don't think I actually ov'd that cycle. But opks would help give you the best chance.

I wish you all the luck and hope to see you back in tri one very soon X
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Funny you say that as I don't think I ovulated after my first mc, the OPK said I did but I usually "know" and get cramps, but there was none of that, so I'm pretty convinced.
I would highly recommend clearblue digital ovulation tests, there is no ambiguity with them, it's either a smiley face or not.
Thanks girls for all your comments. I used OPKs out of interest after last mc (hubby was away so couldn't do anything anyway) but I think they just showed up remaining HGC from pregnancy so might try Clear Blue instead.

I think I will be going for it Lozzaste. I'm not saying that it gets any easier but at least I know that I can cope with the D&C no problem if I did need it again. Good luck with your appointments, I hope they can give you some answers.

JJ Mum, I think that even one mc is bad enough and more than we should have to go through. For me the first was definitely more traumatic and although this one was more of a shock, I just feel more sorry for myself than completely desperate like last time.

My main worry is that if get another BFP I will worry the whole time regardless. With the first MMC I bled from a day before BFP right through so never expected it to turn out. This time I had no bleeding at all and wrongly assumed that everything would be ok so next time regardless of bleeding or not I'll always expect the worst. Even with the 7 week reassurance scan this time it still all went wrong. She only got me back for a follow up as she said she could squeeze me in and it would be nice for me to see the growth in 2 weeks. I hate to think that if she hadn't got me back in I would have found out at my 12 week scan which would have been even more horrific.

I never thought that the whole getting pregnant, or in my case staying pregnant, experience would be so tough :( xxx
It is ridiculously tough.
I started miscarrying on the morning of my 12 week scan. Thank goodness for small mercies as when I walked into that scan room I already knew in my heart it was all over, so it wasn't so much of a shock.
Defo get the clearblues, I actually find it quite fun getting the little smiley face! I lead a sad life, clearly ;-)
I also found that OPKs pick up pregnancy too, I knew I was pregnant last time because I got the smiley face just after I'd used an Internet cheapie test which had the faintest of faint lines, the OPK was smiley face so I knew then :)
Wishing you lots and lots of luck for a sticky bean - third time lucky for both of us eh? Xxx :)
It is ridiculously tough.
I started miscarrying on the morning of my 12 week scan. Thank goodness for small mercies as when I walked into that scan room I already knew in my heart it was all over, so it wasn't so much of a shock.
Defo get the clearblues, I actually find it quite fun getting the little smiley face! I lead a sad life, clearly ;-)
I also found that OPKs pick up pregnancy too, I knew I was pregnant last time because I got the smiley face just after I'd used an Internet cheapie test which had the faintest of faint lines, the OPK was smiley face so I knew then :)
Wishing you lots and lots of luck for a sticky bean - third time lucky for both of us eh? Xxx :)

That must have been horrific. I had the tiniest bit of pink discharge the night before my second scan on Thursday and tried to convince myself that it was so irrelevant and nothing to worry about but thinking back it did put doubt in my mind and maybe took the edge off the shock.

I started temping again yesterday morning so I get the whole OPK smiley face thing, It's nice to try and take back some control be it peeing on a stick or taking temps.

I hope you have lots of luck too. 3rd time lucky right enough...we're due our share of luck :) xx
:( hopefully it will be third time lucky. Thinking of you xx

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