

Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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When did you first use a babysitter and who did you use??

My friend who I definitely trust to look after my LO (she has 2 of her own) offered to look after Isaac for the first time me and DH want to go out. I really really really want to go out one evening, so me and DH can have some coupley time together. Thing is I'm exclusively BFing and decided not to express and introduce a bottle for one feed (I hate expressing with a passion, it's so boring!)

How old was your LO when you went out for the first time without them? I'm thinking in the next few weeks I can go out for the evening, not too far away from home just in case...Isaac usually feeds about half 6 then goes down for sleep at 7. If he's really good he'll sleep solidly till 10:30 but some evenings he won't settle...

What's your experiences been??

Havent been out with out baby yet as she is exclusive breastfed and refuses to take a bottle :(
We didn't have a full night out (6pm-11pm) till LO was about 10 weeks old. Until then it was only a couple of hours between feeds. The long night out I left an expressed feed and then fed him once I got home.
we had 3 hours out when lil one was 3 months old :rotfl: that was the last time weve been out together ( and only ) since he was born , and my mum had him . last week when we were a hossy for hours my good friend has leland then , and that was the first time id ever dropped him round someones for proper baby sitting ! it was well weird , shame we werent doing something more exciting then hospital tho :wall:
I didn't leave Isaac with anyone until we went for Ophelia's 12wk scan :lol: and it was OH's Mum, Isaac's grandma, that we left him with, and it was horrid even with him being so old, I felt so bad leaving him, I think leave them when you're comfortable but personally I still find it very difficult even though now I am starting to enjoy Isaac free time, think its easier now as Ophelia's always there anyway :shhh: Do what you feel is right, as long as you and baby are happy, nothing else matters, very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:
Ive left him with Lee a bit while i go out
But thats his dad so...

Only once overnight with my mum when we both went out

And me and Lee have gone out for the evening, a meal and left his sister sitting in the house
Thats after Callums gone to bed though and he doesnt wake up until the morning so its not really babysitting.

And Lees nan and his cousin look after him for every home Liverpool game so i can go to the match- If Lee is in work

Expessing IS a pain though!
I have a bit frozen now :)
I'm going out saturday for the whole night and benjamin will be sleeping at my mums!
I'm at my mums everyday ( might aswell move back in ) and she even took a week of work when he was first born, so i'm pretty sure he is relaxed enough and knows my mum to stay there and be a good boy!

Shes been asking since he was a week old if he could stop
I left Connie with her dad for the first time this week for an hour while I got my haircut. The next day MIL looked after her for an hour and a half so I could get some shopping done. I did rush back both times and kept thinking I had left her in a shop or something :lol: .

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