Baby's Heart Rate?


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2014
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I am 31 weeks tomorrow and had a consultant appt today at hospital (cos i have been dianosed with gestational diabetes). Consultant listened to baby and said "all good". When reading my notes after i saw baby's heartbeat was 116bpm.
At my 28 week appt it was 124bpm, i dont know what it had been previous to 28 weeks as a figure had never been written in my notes only that fetal heartbeat heard.
Does 116bpm seem a bit low?? I am sure consultant would have said if any concern but thought it should be a bit faster than that. I am aware hb drops later in pregnancy but does anyone have any further knowledge on it? Thanks x
Didn't want to read and run my lovely but if the consultant listened and was happy then everything will be just fine. They wouldn't have let you leave if they were worried about anything. Try not to worry. It's good that you're getting seen more often because of your gestational diabetes - it means they're keeping a closer eye on you - any problems will be discovered quickly - and they will let you know if they have any concerns xx not long now hunni xx
I went to hospital the other day and was hooked up to a monitor that was measuring baby's heart rate ...
It was going as high as 175bpm all the way down to 115 and the doctor said it was one of the best examples of a baby's heart rate going up and down with her getting excited and then slowing down. He was pleased so I think it's totally normal :) x
Yep I was on the trace yesterday for half hour or so and hb varied from about 115 up to 140 odd. It seemed to peak and trough a bit with my braxton hicks (which have been really regular) so I think it's normal for it to be within a certain range. If there was any concern at all, they'd flag it up. The heart rate is their first point of reference for any problems

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