Baby Weight


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2007
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Iv Noticed Lots Of You Talking About Your Babys Estimated Weight and Was Just Curious How You Found This Out. I Havnt Been Told What Mine Is At Any Point During My Pregnany & Im Almost 34 Weeks :think:

Who Tell's You? Is It The Midwife When She's Feeling Ur Tummy & Measuring Or Is It Extra Scans Or Something? Iv Had Just The Two Usual Scans & Regular Midwife Check Ups So I'll Have To Ask Next Time If It Is The Midwife, Although I Know Its Not Accurate. :)
We ended up with a top consultant at our hospital because they didn't think we should have a homebirth it being my first baby, anyway, he made it quite clear there's no way of knowing what any baby will weigh at birth, there's lots of measuring techniques they can use to estimate it, but also, unless you have this scan the day you give birth, no estimates beforehand mean anything really anyway. I think I'm just saying this because it can worry some Mummys to be when told of 'big' or 'small' babies, when really no-one knows until LO arrives :hug:
From having loads of scans in all of my pregnancies they can estimate during scans but can be out by up to 2lbs either way. Also they said I was having a huge baby when pregnant with Aidan and he was 7lb 5 at 40+2 so average really. The only one thats give an accurate guess has been my midwife. She said that Cayla was going to be smaller than Tyler and at my last appointment with Aidan she said that he was going to be heavier than my other 2 were but not a lot - She guessed at 7lb 8.

I don't take it all too seriously but I like to have fun guessing. Last time a few of us put a pound into a pot and all guessed on a weight and whoever got it right or was the closest son the money.

I get a growth scan every 4 weeks. They measure the head, stomach and hip bone, plot it into some little graph and tell me what percentile the baby is growin on. (Currently 45)

If the growth slows down any they think its a sign of prematurity, then I'll get the steroids.

I am a bit gullable and tend to believe the scans whilst I doubt every word out of my midwifes mouth. Think its because she's a community midwife, and I always see the top dog at the hospital. He thinks she's a bit daft too :lol: but its too far for me to go to the hospital for every appointment.
I had an anti-natal apt yesterday and the obstetrition did a scan (I didnt know this would happen) and they told me baby weighs 3lbs 12oz roughly at this point.
I wasn't given a proper estimated weight at all. I had a MW appointment on the day I was due and she had a feel and said baby was going to be a good weight, she guessed about 7 1/2lb but said it was a complete guess. He was born a week later at 8lb 6oz.
midna said:
I had a scan at 30 weeks coz apparently seed was breech and hardly moved in days ... turns out seed is just fat n lazy and was head down all along lol. Is the only reason I got estimated weight. :lol:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Thanks For The Replies Everyone :) xxx
When I was sent for a scan at 34 weeks because my fundus was measuring big, I asked the mw at my next appointment whether she could tell what sort of size the baby would be. From my scan details she thought he was going to be about 9lbs. He was born 3 weeks early and weighed 7lbs 8oz so it's quite feasible that had he been born at full term, he could have been that sort of weight.

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