Baby waking every few hours all of a sudden.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2013
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So suddenly my lb has began waking every two hours whining at me. It's become too much I am utterly exhausted and my hubby? Doesn't even wake during these times he's snoring. But not only that DH has a stomach bug and hasn't been washing his hands properly which is just disgusting, so now I think our little one has it. He's also just had a go at me because we got a chicco next to me which is better for our little one as he's still way too young to go in his own room. His nappies are always soaking and even get so full he wakes up and they are leaking when we change him....we use pampers and haven't had this issue before, so help please because I can't take another sleepless night like this it's horrific he wasn't even this bad as a new born! Xxx
If your hubby has passed on tummy bug It could be the reason hun my daughter had nights like this when she comes down with something. Depending on age it could be a sleep regression also. Ive never got on with pampers past newborn stage I always found them leaky and soggy. I used to use hugged when my son was little but now there no longer about I either use little angels from asda or the aldi ones and I've never had any leaks with these xxx
Size up nappies for the night to begin with, I always found the + sizes hold a little more than the normal ones.. I used baby dry, but they don't fit my son anymore so I switched to supreme dry from asda'(purple packs) quite keen on them considering I was bang into my pampers when he was younger... My son doesn't sleep well when he's ill and the poor mite only had a cough so we're all exhausted and I know how you feel atm!

And for your husband, if he whinges and adds to the issue of getting no sleep sent him to the settee with a bucket! Stomach bugs are really contagious though, so I doubt the hand washing is the only reason for it too pass on. I hope you all get well soon and your little one will sleep again!
Thank you all. He's 4 months now. We've had a really really rough few days emotionally as we now need to consider rehoming one of our dogs due to him being high energy and pulling me over on walks (without little one) I'm black and blue from it and he ran off today I thought I could try him off lead so it's really upsetting us we love him but we clearly can't give him what he needs and it's weighing heavy on me now. We'll try aldi nappies they where good when I got some in my bounty pack xxx
We've been on Mamia nappies (aldi ones) since birth (aside from the micro's!) and we found our LO peed quite a lot and these seemed to be the only nappies that wouldn't leak and could hold their own against those early constipations :lol: I tried Little Angels and found he was getting nappy rash abit more than on Mamia.

It's more possible than not you're just going through a bit of the tummy bug or regression with LO. It happens, and when it's over you thank every god under the sun that they sleep a little more. After LO's jabs with that Neurovirus live one, it came home just how easy it really is to catch stomach flu/bugs with a LO. Bearing in mind, NICU required you to constantly gel and wash hands everytime you left/entered a room, and even I felt a little off the day after his simply because its extremely easy for saliva and body fluids to pass between you and baby. Even simple things like kissing them, or their hands making way to your mouth after chewing fingers etc, try not to blame hubby too much! when one of us is sick, we all are, which is abit of a pain when OH works a bar and constant money touching :lol: Although, when you're exhausted and they come in feeling unwell and you know LO is going to start with it, it can be especially hard to bite your tongue! :fib: Hope LO sleeps soon for you Violet xx
Mamia nappies are sooooo good, my LO will go from 7pm to 6.30am and his nappy has never leaked, it's always full to the brim but has never leaked. I believe there is a sleep regression at 4 month, my LO didn't experience this (touch wood) but Ive read about it. I think it's just one of them things your going to have to ride out :( try going to bed earlier and getting an extra hour that way if you can. Im back at work now and my LO is 6 month and he wakes once or twice talking to himself and then goes back to sleep, it wakes me up though so I feel tired everyday, I just keep telling myself that one day he won't be so little anymore and I can have my full night sleep then! ️xxx
Sorry new mum what is sleep regression? I'll try google too but Google is evil at times xxx
My lo was terrible for soaking through nappies during the night when he was a baby so we used pampers baby dry at night as they are super absorbent. Then used cheaper ones in the day xx
Im not exactly sure, it's sometbing to do with a time when baby is learning new skills etc and it interferes with their usual sleep pattern, apparently it shouldnt last to long ️xxx
At 4 months the sleep regression is because babies sleep pattern changes to be more like an adults and they go between light and deep sleep. They're not used to light sleep so wake up then need you to help them get back to sleep. It does pass, just try to go with it x
Sleep regression is what I was thinking too
If you haven't already done so you need to try and teach them to go to sleep on their own, so after you feed try and out your LO down awake or drowsy and let them fall asleep on their own without you cuddling or using dummies etc (I read that somewhere) apparently sleep problems arise
From sleep associations such as always rocking your baby to sleep, using a dummy, feeding to sleep, once babies associate these things with going to sleep they think they need it to get back to sleep. So with my LO I disnt use anything to help him sleep except a bed time routine of bath, bottle and bed. He would always fall asleep on his bottle so I would try and wake him a bit and say good night, love you then put him down. That's all he's ever known so he now when he wakes in the night he talks to himself for abit and goes back to sleep, we don't need to do anything xxx

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