baby very dry skin


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2011
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my baby has very dry peeling skin. he was 13 days late so am i right in thinking that its to be expected as he would have lost his protective cheesy cover in the womb so would have been exposed to the fluid for too long?? any suggestions on how to sooth it?
My boy has this, too, bless him. I'll be interested to hear people's opinions. Hope your LO isn't too bothered by it xx
Use vegetable oil on your LO's skins hun, its a natural oil without any added extras, midwives advise to use it x x
Hey girlies I was two weeks over and LO was very dry!

Used Oilatum in the bath and olive oil on her dry bits after her bath and she's as smooth as a baby's bum now :)

Oilatum is a bath oil, it's not the cheapest but lasts ages.....highly recommend!

HTH xxx

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!
Hi its perfectly normal despite looking horrendous!!! my baby was 9 days o/d and he peeled like mad!!! I limited his baths to one a week just using water, and I used something called 50/50 cream on him as was advised by mw not use olive or veg oil, dont know why? Was also advised not to over moisturise as you want it to peel off, it cleared up about 2 weeks
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Amber had that too and she was 2 weeks overdue. I just rubbed a little vasaline on every day and it went away pretty quickly xx
Toby was 2 weeks late and his skin was so dry and flaky. I used olive oil on it and it really helped x
Lennon has really dry peeling skin too hun. I've been using olive oil as recommended by the midwives x
My LO had dry skin on his hands and feet so we gave him fewer baths, and at night put the heating on and strip him off a little bit to get.some air to his skin, and I'd rub a little baby oil onto his dry bits xx
Olive oil does the trick - with almost instant results! It's really amazing! The midwife told us to get any brand xxx
We used olive oil on Jack's skin until he was 2 weeks old and then switched to oilatum after that. He now has Johnsons bedtime cream on every night after his bath and has silky soft skin :) x
I used olive oil with paige and jake and also johnsons baby oil in the bath and after baths xx
Our girl was 9 days over her due date and peeled a lot too. She didn't seem at all bothered by it though so we just left her skin alone and carried on as normal. The only thing we did was to make sure that all her creases were cleaned thoroughly so that no shed skin built up there. We only used water and cotton wool though as I didn't want to put anything extra on her skin.
Charlie was born on his due date, but still got the peely skin, MW advised Olive Oil or vasaline!
Hi there,
Sorry I've not been on here in such a while but thought I'd post my thoughts. I used grapeseed oil for my little one, which is absorbed more easily than the thicker olive oil. It's also used as a carrier oil in massage so very commonly used and safe for baby too. Last time I picked up a bottle in the supermarket in the cooking oils for about £1.50 for a huge bottle.

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