baby somersaulting?


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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when i listen with my doppler, sometimes i just get the heartbeat, but other times i get the heartbeat followed by a SWISH of water and bubbles type noise, it sounds like my baby is turning somersaults in the water!

do you think thats really what it is?
It could be, could be the placenta? When i had my midwife appointment a few weeks ago she listened to babys heart beat with the dopler and she said that the slow heartbeat was mine, the fast one was baby's and the swishing noise was the placenta.

I was also told that when the baby sumersalts i would feel a bit sick and it would feel like ive just gone over a bump/bridge in the road. Dont know if thats true or not, i still havnt felt like that.

T xx
I hear odd things through the doppler and usually when I hear one certain noise, it's when the baby is kicking or punching at it and I feel it inside too. I love it :D
ive had the sicky feeling from baby somersulting, its like when u go over a slight hill in the road too quick and leave ur tummy behind, has made me feel a bit quesy at times. strangely tho i love it lol
dont think its the placenta cos thats a rhythmic swishing isnt it?

i get this noise like something diving into water and turning and then the heartbeat moves so im sure its the baby..maybe just be too early for me to feel it myself
when you had your dopplers you should have had some info with them so you know what your listening too

the whoosh is the placenta x
It's funny when junior kicks I can hear it clearly.

I think the noise is your placenta :)

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