Baby sleeping...


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2010
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LO was a great sleeper from early on... was doing about 7.30 until 7ish... until about a month ago. Now every bloody morning hes up at 4.30am. Im shattered! I dont understand how he can be awake enough at that time! We can manage to persuade him to sleep for another hour maybe, with a bottle.

Do babies to this at this age? (8 months) Will he ever be a good sleeper again for me?
I remember when my daughter was about 9 months, she woke every night at 2.30am for about a month,, and would only sleep if I held her, no one else, so will he just get over it like she did?
I need more sleep!!!
Have you tried putting him in bed with you? Paige did this not so long ago (about 8 months) and it drove me potty. I refused to give her a bottle until at least 5:30am as I didnt want her to get used to having her milk to early (even now I refuse to give her a bottle until 6am and porridge until 8am). I cant offer much help as she didn this for about 2 weeks and is only just stopping it and thats only because I just stopped going into see her by 10 minutes or so later each day. She wakes up about 5:30am now but I wont go in until 6am and she just chatters away to herself.
amelia wakes between 5 and 5.30 but we dont go into her till 6 if she is just chsattig to herself and i never feed her till 6 at the very earliest x
See he's still in the room with us because we hVe to move into the single room... That will be fun, as he won't fit in there with his sister. And because he's waking we don't want them to share until he's got it out of his system because it's my fair on her. I'll try bringing him in the morning and see if that helps. I also hate giving him the bottle because he doesn't need a night feed, which is basically what it is!
Wil def try in the morning
Thanks girls x

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