Baby proofing

star fish

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2010
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Just got sent this from The Bump, thought you might like to see it, though most of it seems quite extreme to me.

The best time to get your house ready for baby is long before he or she actually arrives. Ideally, get started at least three months prior to your due date, because some preparations may take time. And don’t forget, this is just round one -- check out Babyproofing, Part 2 once he starts to crawl.
General safety

[ ] Install a UL certified carbon monoxide detector on every story of your house if you use gas or oil appliances or have an attached garage. Check the batteries of any detectors you already have.

[ ] Do the same routine with smoke detectors

[ ] Purchase a fire extinguisher, learn how to use it (and know where it is!)

[ ] Stock your medicine cabinet or first-aid kit

[ ] Post emergency numbers next to every phone

[ ] Install a temperature guard on your water heater at a maximum of 120° Fahrenheit (48°Celsius)

[ ] Get any flaking or peeling paint sealed or removed by a professional, especially if your home was built before 1978. (Dust from lead paint, which was banned from residential use in that year, can be harmful if ingested.)


[ ] Put non-slip pads under all rugs

[ ] Cover all sharp furniture edges and corners with bumpers or safety padding

[ ] Block all open outlets with furniture or use safety plugs

[ ] Latch closed any drawers, doors or cupboards within baby’s reach

[ ] Cut any looped blind or curtain cords and install safety tassels and cord stops

[ ] Always unplug and store electric appliances not in use (iron, flatiron, etc)

[ ] Check house and yard for poisonous plants, and move out of baby’s reach

[ ] Always store your own and visitors’ purses out of baby’s reach

[ ] Place baby wipes and supplies within your reach from the changing table, but out of baby’s

[ ] Put a thick rug or carpet below the changing table

[ ] Position the crib away from windows, heaters, lamps, wall decoration and cords

[ ] Check all nursery furniture according to our safety suggestions

[ ] If you plan to hook a highchair to your kitchen table, be sure the table is sturdy and strong


[ ] Install an approved rear-facing car seat in the middle of the back seat

[ ] If the sun is strong in your area, put hanging shades on the back windows to block the rays
that very interesting...thanks babes. xxxxxxx
Ooo thanks for this :)
Means I can start that too.
Nothing better than being prepared. x
Panic!! Lol!!! Didnt realise that about the paint!! Off to mothercare now to buy everything in the babyproofing range!! lol!!!
Haha i'm sorry i couldn't help but laugh some of these are a bit much! Others do have some logic behind but i think are a bit the purse one? I don't get this at all--i happily let my neice play with my purse she has just turned 1 and loves going through it...i think just let them have a look through and anything "dangerous" take off them!
Re: The purse thing.. if you are watching the baby like a hawk, and monitoring then yes I'm sure you will be fine. But imagine if baby puts a coin in his/ her mouth and choked, or ripped your money up id be gutted, or decided to post your bank card into any gap, ie floorboards, behind fireplace etc, much better to hide it away, imo x
Re: The purse thing.. if you are watching the baby like a hawk, and monitoring then yes I'm sure you will be fine. But imagine if baby puts a coin in his/ her mouth and choked, or ripped your money up id be gutted, or decided to post your bank card into any gap, ie floorboards, behind fireplace etc, much better to hide it away, imo x

yea...but this first part is for baby thats not even crawling yet! :) Thats what makes it so funny!

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