Hair Dye


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2010
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Just wondering if anyone knew much about the safety of dying your hair in tri 2? My hair is naturally dark brown but has got really light from the sun over recent weeks, I want to just put a dark brown colour on it but a bit wary of the risks. Am I best to use a non-permenant or semi permenant rather than a permenent? x x
I used a permanent dye on my hair in first trimester, going to do the same this week with a permanent again.
I had no problems and lots of girlies here have dyed their hair with no problems xxx
I've put permanent black on mine 3 times now, seems ok!
oh lovely thanks girls, good to get some reassurance! Going to pop round to Superdrug now x x
Oh something to be aware of, I had blue streaks and for some reason they just won't take while I'm pregnant, tried twice now. Hormones can cause your hair to react differently, strange how the black took though!
I had my hair dyes (Semi perm) at the weekend and the hairdresser said as its not bleach there is no risk whatsoever.
I would maybe do a strand test to check the colour like Sarah13 says, as hair is different in pregnancy, and definately do the allergy test even if you dont normally do it or are using the same brand as always as your tolerance might have changed with the pregnancy hormones.

Other than that aslong as you check that the warnings on the box dont specifically say do not use in pregnancy then you should be fine, just try to avoid coating your scalp with it when applying as that is where it gets most absorbed into your body.
^ Was going to say what Sarah said.
Fortunately the dark brown would take to my hair so I'm going to put off dying my hair a wacky red or purple until after my pregnancy :) xxx
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i have bleached my hair and dyed permanent dye pink in tri 1 and tri 2!! all fine!! xxx
thanks girls, have bought a dark brown dye, nothing on the box to say not for use in pregnancy so that's good. Will do a strand test first, now just have to convince OH to put the dye on for me as I'm not great at doing it myself and my mum (who normally does it) is on hols! We have a party Sat night so hoping it turns out okay!! :oooo: x x
Ceris is that your hair in your avatar pic? It looks fab!! I would so love to go that bright, I used to have post box red when I was 18, but there is no way I could pull it off now I'd end up looking like an ageing rabid carebear lol!!!
thanks girls, have bought a dark brown dye, nothing on the box to say not for use in pregnancy so that's good. Will do a strand test first, now just have to convince OH to put the dye on for me as I'm not great at doing it myself and my mum (who normally does it) is on hols! We have a party Sat night so hoping it turns out okay!! :oooo: x x

pre vaseline your forehead, ears and back of neck lol then if he accidentaly misses your hair it wont stain you!!! handy tip from the trial and error of having my OH dye mine!!!!
there is no way I could pull it off now I'd end up looking like an ageing rabid carebear lol!!![/QUOTE]

:rofl: x x
pre vaseline your forehead, ears and back of neck lol then if he accidentaly misses your hair it wont stain you!!! handy tip from the trial and error of having my OH dye mine!!!![/QUOTE]

Brilliant tip - thanks! x x

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