* Baby Passport Photos? * EDIT Post Yours If On Computer *


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2008
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Were getting Callum a passport of his own

As for passport photos what do you do, sit them on your knee and take one in a booth

Or hold them up to the camera bit?

Really confused :think:
Cally was laid down on a white sheet and the photo taken of her face.
beanie said:
Cally was laid down on a white sheet and the photo taken of her face.

Took it yourself and printed it off?
If you go to some sort of chemist with a photolab they will do it for you for £3.99, for 4 pics I think. What I had to do was put a white sheet over my clothes and hold Arianna on my knee
I took Chloe to Max Speilman when she was two weeks old and they took her photos by lying her in her pram on a white blanket, they only charge a couple of pounds and keep taking them till they are certain the passport office will accept them.
i just stood millie up on the stool and held her waist with one hand, and with the other i wiggled my fingers above the screen so she would look towards it. i was quite impressed at how they came out, she looks such a cutey on her passport hehe
Ooo id like to see examples if you have them on your computers :D
The rules are a bit less strict for babies. If they're under 6 months they don't need to have their eyes open. It must, however, show both ears. They shouldn't be smiling but for babies I don't think they reject the photo if they're smiling unless it really distorts the features.

1st try


The one we used (and the one she's stuck with till she's 5 :rotfl: )


The photo was cropped so it was just her head and shoulders on the passport sized one.
We went to a photo shop and they take the pics for you. Much easier. Cost £4 for 4 pics. You can hold them up or sit them on the stool and they can zoom in on babies head so parent is not in the shot. They can also have loads of attempts till they get a decent shot that will be acceptable to the Passport office.

Don't use a photo booth. Just find a camera/photo shop that takes pics. Loads of places do this now.
This is Alex's. There were no problems about his eyes being shut at all.


I laid him down on white paper to take the photo. Picture Lizard did the rest.
Thanks for your help girls

Think were going to do it ourselves...

Went into Max Spielmans and asked if they do it and apparently they dont so...

Me and Lee got ours done the other day in a booth because we need renewals,
HATE passport photos because i hate having my picture taken :(

Ps. Awwwww your pics are so cute!!
we got Anjali's when she was less than a week old, in case we needed to fly up to scotland!

we laid her on a white sheet. the man at the post office said they wouldnt accept it as where her head was denting the sheet, it made it have shades of grey shadow and white sheet :evil: i told them they were being ridiculous as it was a white sheet, what more did they want!!

anyway i sent it off against his recommendation and it was fine.

Still think its stupid because her passport hoto would be unrecognisable even now let alone when she's 5!!!!!
Max Speilmans in Chorley do them so it must be different depending on where you go. If you are strugling to take his photo it is worth nipping into the post office and asking there advice as that is how I found out about Max Speilmans. Good luck and hope you have a great holiday.

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