Baby on board sign


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Oct 28, 2015
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Hello everyone. I wondered if i could start a debate. I want to get a personalised baby on board sign for our car, but hubby says they are tacky and won't let me have one.

What are people's views on them, a bit of fun, or a waste of space?

If anyone knows of anywhere i can get a personalised one from, please let me know, especially if i can make it really tacky and big to rub in hubby's face!
I had a bump on board sign when i was preg lol! & a baby on board sign!

My lb is now 2 so we have a george pig 'little piggy on board' one now!

Ebay do personalised ones xx
think it became too common, everyone has got one nowadays thats why its not too fun anymore
I probably wouldn't have bought one for ourselves but my Mum has bought us one as a pressie so we will use it. I think they're a nice little bit of harmless fun but I wouldn't be rushing out the door for one.
I dnt look at it as a fun item..

Just awareness that if i was to be in an accident ppl know i have children in my car x
Your hubby probably is saying that because it was said on some pannel show it was tacky and naff :lol:

I do think they encourage people to slow down if they see that there is a child on board - perhaps a sub conscious thing?

Either way, I don't love them - I don't like the "Big Prince On Board" a simple baby on board does the job. I mean now they have turned into a fashion thing "Grandma on board" and all this :lol: however they do the purpose. I find people are less likely to ram up your behind if they see a baby on board sign - a guilt trip.

Each to their own however my opinion of them is the baby on board is sufficient enough without trying to attract unnecessary attention to yourself :lol:

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Surely the car seat is the big sign to emergency services that a child is onboard? And I dont think it encourages drivers to be less likely to hit you... Irresponsible drivers like that wont be deterred by a sign imo.
Well thats like saying learners shouldnt wear a sign because no one takes notice?

I didnt say less likely to hit you, I actually watched a panel show on this and the overall consensus was that if someone noticed the sign saying baby on board they are less likely to be up your ass therefore if in an accident causing less damage potentially.

I actually dont drive so dont have any of these concerns.

Surely the car seat is the big sign to emergency services that a child is onboard? And I dont think it encourages drivers to be less likely to hit you... Irresponsible drivers like that wont be deterred by a sign imo.

Take it u dnt like baby signs then lol
I don't care either way, I just dont think theyre anything more than a bit of decoration tbh.

When my little girl was a baby we had a talk from the traffic police at our post natal group. He said that the signs are meaningless and recommended strongly against them as they could actually make you a target!
A target because there is a sign? if thats the case we have a lot of sickos on our hands :lol: I have never heard anyone ever say oh theres a baby on board lets ram up its arse or crash into them?

If they cause distraction is because most are all feathers and bows and colourful which I dont like but I dont see how a plain yellow sticker is any different to any other stickers people stick on the car or have teddies and toys at the back.

Doesn't really matter what we think I suppose, they are still selling.

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No-one goes out on the road with the intention of driving straight into the back of another car whatever passengers are in it, and on the whole drivers do not react differently to other cars on the road based on the ages of their occupants. People who drive sensibly already don't need to be told to do any different, and those who drive like idiots will continue to drive like idiots. Nobody driving today will care about what it says on your sign apart from those who it angers and they will be more likely to drive close to you. I dont know why they anger some people or cause some drivers to see you as a target, but its well known that some people do feel a lot of hatred towards them..road rage is a funny thing. People get heated up about all sorts of tiny things which wouldn't usually bother them when they're driving.
The people of the audience in the pannel show I watched saying that IF they seen a sign they would tend to be more aware of their surroundings and take extra care MUST have been lying then.... :lol:

Either way, I dont have one, I dont want one and I dont even care :lol: obviously some people here have a right bug bare about them. Its a yellow sign, Ive said my peace - Im outttt :D

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Yes i forgot you watched a panel show once. How silly of me.
No-one goes out on the road with the intention of driving straight into the back of another car whatever passengers are in it

Heres me thinking a minute ago "people" targeted others with them on.

Gosh these baby signs are a right rigmeral aren't they :oooo: :lol:
What about those babe on board signs that were all the rage a few years ago?
whenever i saw one of those i used to think aye right babe the pig, flatter yourelf much!
Lol, I think the emotion in this thread shows the emotion attached to baby on board signs, for some reason! I'm not a mum, so really can't comment from a point of personally having or wanting one but discussing them with friends who have them, they talk more about people being more considerate of parking too close to your car for you to get the baby out, I dont know!

The only thing I would say is that I work in child protection and we would always try to encourage anyone not to have anything personalised regarding their children as unfortunately there are some very dangerous people out there who will use any opportunity to gain your trust and access your children! Maybe just something to take into consideration, although not to make anyone paranoid at all xx
What about those babe on board signs that were all the rage a few years ago?
whenever i saw one of those i used to think aye right babe the pig, flatter yourelf much!

I do agree its been taken too far with these ones.

Lol, I think the emotion in this thread shows the emotion attached to baby on board signs, for some reason! I'm not a mum, so really can't comment from a point of personally having or wanting one but discussing them with friends who have them, they talk more about people being more considerate of parking too close to your car for you to get the baby out, I dont know!

The only thing I would say is that I work in child protection and we would always try to encourage anyone not to have anything personalised regarding their children as unfortunately there are some very dangerous people out there who will use any opportunity to gain your trust and access your children! Maybe just something to take into consideration, although not to make anyone paranoid at all xx

I dont mind them, I just dont like when people decide the outcome of a thread, theres more than 1 opinion that counts.

I dont even have one but I wont have someone say they make you a target when actually the only bad thing I have heard to come of it was the fact theyr a bit tacky. I never have seen a news story or heard "I was crashed into because I had a baby on board sign" its ludacris, if you dont like them fine dont buy one but dont come on here and make people feel stupid for having one, when your spouting out a sign makes you a target for road rage or accidents.

Lol, I think the emotion in this thread shows the emotion attached to baby on board signs, for some reason! I'm not a mum, so really can't comment from a point of personally having or wanting one but discussing them with friends who have them, they talk more about people being more considerate of parking too close to your car for you to get the baby out, I dont know!

The only thing I would say is that I work in child protection and we would always try to encourage anyone not to have anything personalised regarding their children as unfortunately there are some very dangerous people out there who will use any opportunity to gain your trust and access your children! Maybe just something to take into consideration, although not to make anyone paranoid at all xx

I dont mind them, I just dont like when people decide the outcome of a thread, theres more than 1 opinion that counts.

I dont even have one but I wont have someone say they make you a target when actually the only bad thing I have heard to come of it was the fact theyr a bit tacky. I never have seen a news story or heard "I was crashed into because I had a baby on board sign" its ludacris, if you dont like them fine dont buy one but dont come on here and make people feel stupid for having one, when your spouting out a sign makes you a target for road rage or accidents.


I didn't say that?

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