Baby on board sign

Lol, I think the emotion in this thread shows the emotion attached to baby on board signs, for some reason! I'm not a mum, so really can't comment from a point of personally having or wanting one but discussing them with friends who have them, they talk more about people being more considerate of parking too close to your car for you to get the baby out, I dont know!

The only thing I would say is that I work in child protection and we would always try to encourage anyone not to have anything personalised regarding their children as unfortunately there are some very dangerous people out there who will use any opportunity to gain your trust and access your children! Maybe just something to take into consideration, although not to make anyone paranoid at all xx

I dont mind them, I just dont like when people decide the outcome of a thread, theres more than 1 opinion that counts.

I dont even have one but I wont have someone say they make you a target when actually the only bad thing I have heard to come of it was the fact theyr a bit tacky. I never have seen a news story or heard "I was crashed into because I had a baby on board sign" its ludacris, if you dont like them fine dont buy one but dont come on here and make people feel stupid for having one, when your spouting out a sign makes you a target for road rage or accidents.


I didn't say that?

I know you didn't? Who says you did? :lol: I was replying to your answer about the thread in general...
I was going to say the same as unicorn!!

I have done child protection training and learnt to never put my child's name on them (personalised items eg tshirts) or anything like baby on board signs. A stranger is more likely to gain the trust of a child if they are calling them by name.

I don't even have my dogs name on her collar for the same reason (advised by pets at home)

I do think that having a baby/child on board sign is important though. Emergency service persons are trained to look for them to know the possible car occupants. I understand you saying that surely they can look and see the big car seat but sometimes it's not possible to get that close to the vehicle for initial assessment. Xx
But a sticker is smaller than a seat? So i dont understand if they cant get close enough to see a big seat how they can get close enough to see a a tiny sticker? Also, genuine question. When people don't have the kids in the car do they take the signs down?
They are supposed to Baby2sky - I read online that most don't use them properly because they don't remove them, but you should...

Just saw this..... TBH I had a baby on board sign when my LO was a baby.... It lasted around 2-3 months before I threw it out. It was a pain. Kept dropping off the window, catching the boot as I closed it and I had to keep cleaning the window with the multiple sucker marks it left (after it dropped off and had to put it back on again).

I don't think anyone takes any notice of them and as other people have said, a car seat/booster seat is a lot more visual to emergency services than a sticker in a car window.

PP xXx
It does depend which angle you are looking, if your directly behind a car, you wouldnt see the booster - or maybe the carseat, I cant see Jacksons from behind my mums car the way its situated.

A yellow sign on a window is more visable than a car seat that is perhaps the same colour as your seats imo.


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