Baby Noah's birth story- so many ups & downs


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2011
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I'll bullet pint events as there were so many and if I wrote in paragraphs then you would be reading as essay. Safe to say not the birth story I envisioned writing and my natural birth become a csesction.... that said he's here now and we are 100% besotted with him (and 100% knackered!)

10am Arrive at hospital for routine 38 week diabetes clinic after surprise diagnosis the week before.

10.15am- blood sugar records show I am still spiking and because of worry about babies movements begin reduced.. they ask if I would be okay moving induction up to today if they have space.

12am on day assessment unit waiting for them to insert the hormone pessary- been checked over- informed I wouldn't be leaving hospital till i had had my bag not packed yet so I write up a list for hubby to pack.

14.30- pessary inserted and in waiting room waiting for a bed to become free

16.00 on to ward to wait for pessary to work......

That night I was I started to have contractions but my the morning they had stopped.

It didn't work and fell out a few times to need reinserting

WEDNESDAY I was pretty much on the ward all day waiting for something to happen- I hadn't dilated so it was decided when a bed became free on labour I could go down and be given the hormone drip....


10:00 they needed my bed so I was asked to go down to labour and I would be found a bed shortly...

18:00 I was finally in the room I thought I would give birth in, the midwife attempted to insert the canular, but hit a valve (=pretty nasty bruising!) so called the anaesthetist who inserted it no problem - they let me have gas and air for this as I was so distressed!

18:00- the midwife checked and I hadn't dilated more than 2cm and she couldn't reach my waters to break them :( she went to check with the dr who advised another pessary for 30 hours - by this point i was crying

Midwife became to insert the pessary whilst i breathed gas and air exclusively and i remember this bit being fuzzy but she said something about JUST JUST being able to touch the babies head with the tip of her fingers and she quickly called another midwife to pass her the stuff she needed and told me if I could bare it she would be able to break my waters- lots more gas and air lots of pushing inside me and me just telling myself to put up with it and my waters broke FLOODING the bed and floor (extreme hydro)

throughout the night I was in bed I had a monitor attached to babies head (he was very chilled out) and my contractions started to come- I got by on gas and air and kept putting off an epidural...


morning- consultant checked and said I still wasn't dilated past 3cm and unless there was significant change we needed to reassess what to do next... (at this point hormone drip set at 48?!?!?!)

Midday- no change and contractions still coming (16hours later) they were worried about my uterus becoming over stimulated and that it wouldn't be able to stop contracting resulting in blood loss so advised I needed a csection...

13:00 I was wheeled to have my section and the spinal block was awful - had to be attempted a few times and the nerve in my left leg was hit twice, the anaesthetist was lovely though- again had gas and air throughout

13:42- with lots of pulling and pushing and me throwing up and even forceps Noah was born and weighed a perfect alb 14oz - NOT the huge baby we had been led to expect!

Sorry tat its a long one I have tried to edit it a bit to remove some of the less important and more tedious aspects but here it is- not the birth I had planned or hoped for but ... here at last.
wow, sounds a bit traumatic hun but im glad he got here safely for you xx
Thank you will upload some photos later :) it wasnt ideal but he's here so i guess thats the main thing! Xxx
Congratulations!!! What a long birth you had. X
Wow, you really went through alot hun, they are so worth it all though!! Congrats on your LO xxx

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