-x-Birth Story-x-


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2011
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On Saturday 14th April I was waiting to hear from the hospital to find out what time I would be going into the hospital to get induced. Got a phone call at 10:30am to say to make my way. The nerves were really starting to kick in!! My cousin came to pick me and OH up and we made our way to the hospital. Was taken to the home from home unit and got monitored for a bit. My blood pressure decided to rise quite a bit so couldn’t get my water birth!
I was then moved to another unit and was examined. I was 2 cm dilated but they felt I was ready to have my waters broken instead of having a pessary inserted. My waters were broken at 7:05pm and contractions started pretty much straight away although none in my front all the pain up to the birth was in m lower back and was agonising!) I was examined again at 11:10pm and had dilated to 3cm. My blood pressure was continuously rising so because of this I had to get an epidural to help stabilise me. Had the epidural at 2:30am. At 5:15am the midwife began getting concerned as babies heart kept dropping so I was examined and turns out I was fully dilated! It was then time to push. Baby was laying to the side so the aim at first was to get her to turn. She wasn’t having any of it! I was pushing for two hours when the Doctors decided it was time to intervene. I was taken to theatre and had a forceps delivery along with an episiotomy. I lost 1.8 litres of blood so was very very vey weak and had to stay in hospital a few days.
Aimee Rose Gordon was born Sunday 15th April at 10:05am weighing 8lb 1oz.
It was all quite traumatic but am so happy to have a beautiful healthy baby n my arms. She is without a doubt my greatest accomplishment and would not change her for the world!


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Huge congratulations! You did so well despite the complications - you'll heal in no time! xx

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