Baby Movements?


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2007
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This might have been asked before but can I ask you lovely ladies...WHEN or IF you have felt little one move? On the scan I could see him moving lots and the scanning lady asked me even have you felt movements? I said no :roll:

When should I expect the flutters/kicks? I am wondering if it is happening but I am just not noticing them? Is there any way to describe them? :lol:

Oh and also woke up this morning and I definately have a bump!! ATLAST. :cheer:
I had a definte kick at about 22 weeks

I felt some flutters before then but not much
My proper ones were from 16 weeks exactly. Now I feel her all the time moving around and kicking.

If you lay on your back and put some pressure with your hands on your tummy you might feel him prod and poke you..!

Yay on the bumpage! :cheer: Get some pics in the sticky Missy!! xx
i started feeling movements around the same time as dannii,

Try going somewhere quietly and focusing. i didnt that early on and found it easier to know when baby moved. chances are you've felt baby but not known it.

I think I've felt bubs but not sure as it hasn't been kicks or anything obvious. I seem to have had a sensation like spawn is pinching the inside of the womb - which sounds ridiculous, so I don't think that's what it is doing. I've also felt strange cramping like pains which I put down to spawn moving and turning over. Actually cramping is not really the right description, more like stitch like feelings. I think it freaks out a bit when I first get in the swimming pool as it is quite a cold pool, although I could be imagining that too.

My sis does ultrasounds for a living and when she saw my 12 week scan she said my placenta was at the back and that I should feel movements early. So I reckon I just have a lazy baby :roll:

Also yay for your bump Neev, can't wait to see a picture :D
thanks so much :) I will try and do all that you guys said..maybe I have had the movements but just not known what to look out for!

I will try and get a pic on the sticky next week...

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