Baby measuring HUGE


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2017
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So Ive just been for a growth scan as I was measuring a little over at my 32w midwife appointment. Not a very good appointment unfortunately.

Im carrying far too much fluid around the baby - sonographer described it as an Olympic swimming pool around the baby. Thats indicative of gestational diabetes. I have to go for the GTT this Thursday. Will have the results on Friday.

So the scan itself was nice to see the baby as it was grabbing its foot and putting it in its mouth, but not great results. The estimated weight is 5lb 11oz. Im only 33 weeks and 3 days, so technically have 6 weeks and 4 days to go. My son was 6lb 9oz when born at 40 weeks so this baby seems much bigger.

She measured the femur, abdomen and head - all measurements were way over the norm for this gestation apart from femur which was accurate.

Another growth scan booked for 3 weeks time, and if the baby carries on like this I wont be able to give birth in the birthing centre or have a Water birth. I will have to go to the main hospital under a consultant.

Even if the growth slows down, the baby is still Breech with its head wedged in my ribs so it would have to turn to allow me a chance at going to the birthing centre. If baby is still Breech on 9th January at the scan, I will be booked in for a c section.

Anyone have any experience of baby being massive on the ultrasound but not when born? Or excess fluid?
Aww Hun so sorry to hear this. The good thing is they are keeping an eye on things for you and hopefully at your next scan baby will have turned? Will this mean you will be having baby early? Xxx
Aw.. you poor love.

My baby is massive as well. Supposedly anyway. I think they can only guess based on a formula of leg head and abdo size so it could be smaller than indicated on weighing etc.

Best they are looking after you. Did you have a gtt test before? My bump yesterday was measuring 36 weeks which is 2 and a bit weeks ahead.
Aww Hun so sorry to hear this. The good thing is they are keeping an eye on things for you and hopefully at your next scan baby will have turned? Will this mean you will be having baby early? Xxx

I think thats plan of baby continues to be hippo sized or stays Breech

Aw.. you poor love.

My baby is massive as well. Supposedly anyway. I think they can only guess based on a formula of leg head and abdo size so it could be smaller than indicated on weighing etc.

Best they are looking after you. Did you have a gtt test before? My bump yesterday was measuring 36 weeks which is 2 and a bit weeks ahead.

Last time I had the GTT yes - I was borderline For GD which is why I told them I should have it this time, but they refused as no glucose in urine etc... nightmare!

Have you had growth scans? If so, what is your baby weighing in at? Xx

Has they been no mention of Polyhydramnios?

It can be a thing in itself (and not just a side effect of GD)

As you know I *do* have GD, but touch wood no gigantic baby (at the moment anyway!!)

I wouldn't stress too much about not being able to use the birth centre, there are plenty of ways you can have a natural-esque birth even if you are on the labour ward.... and it may not come to that?

Although yeah the breech bit could be an issue. Hoping baby turns before your scan.

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When you say you were borderline for diabetes last time, what do you mean? Did they get you to repeat the GTT or to check your blood sugar for a few days (without any dietary changes)

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When you say you were borderline for diabetes last time, what do you mean? Did they get you to repeat the GTT or to check your blood sugar for a few days (without any dietary changes)


It was 6 years ago so my memory is a bit faded... but I had ++glucose in my urine at every appointment.

I went for a GTT at about 25 weeks, and from what I remember, my levels were 7.9 and the cut off was 8.0 to be considered to have GD.

Went for a repeat GTT at 32 weeks as I felt awful after food and was drinking lots, and that came up with a similar result xx

I can’t comment on the size issue but I’ve been having growth scans too and baby was breech at 33 weeks but had turned itself by the next one. I’ve also heard the scans are very inaccurate so to take the measurements with a pinch of salt. I’ve been watching closely as they do the measurements and it looks easy to get things wrong as being a millimetre out makes a big difference. At least they will be keeping a close eye on you and baby. Fingers crossed that your next scan brings good news
Aw.. you poor love.

My baby is massive as well. Supposedly anyway. I think they can only guess based on a formula of leg head and abdo size so it could be smaller than indicated on weighing etc.

Best they are looking after you. Did you have a gtt test before? My bump yesterday was measuring 36 weeks which is 2 and a bit weeks ahead.

Last time I had the GTT yes - I was borderline For GD which is why I told them I should have it this time, but they refused as no glucose in urine etc... nightmare!

Have you had growth scans? If so, what is your baby weighing in at? Xx

It was 5lb 6or 7 oz at 32 weeks. So it will be 6lb plus now likely. I think it’s just a genetic thing in my case as me and hubby are big people.
Fingers crossed it’s nothing sinister and it’s good they are keeping an eye on you.
Thing is, Im only 5 foot 2. I weighed 8st 6lb before getting pregnant, Im quite petite! My partner is only 5 foot 9 and slim built as well.. how have we created this child?!

Hi sorry to hear you may not get the birth you want.

My baby was measuring four weeks ahead every time I was measured. Had growth scans and baby was big too.

I had my little girl three weeks ago today and she weighed a whopping 11lbs. She is absolutely perfect tho xx
DId they not tell you to have a gtt this time round? Seems strange.

Hopefully it will all be ok.
DId they not tell you to have a gtt this time round? Seems strange.

Hopefully it will all be ok.

Quite the opposite Tor - I asked for one! They said I didnt need it as no glucose in urine. I explained about being borderline last time but they didnt really care

That’s a bit crap innit?

They made me have one when my belly was measuring big. I’d have thought I’d last time you were borderline and age is a risk factor they should have offered. Never mind.

Fx it’s nothinh.. also, just had a look and the fluid thing is usually not something to worry about according to nhs website. Most people with increased fluid have healthy babies and pregnancies.. they will just monitor you more closely.

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