Baby love??


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2007
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This might sound like a strange thing to say but when you haven't got kids and people talk about how they much they love their children and you can never understand what they are feeling or what it's like to love your own child (because you havent got any) but it's only now that i'm starting to understand what they are going on about.
Last night me and my boyf was watching my tummy for ages and we could see the baby doing god knows what in there but we could see her moving and she was reacting to us talking to her. I wanted to see if she reacted to dark and light so I covered my stomach with a blanket and then took it off so the light was shining back on my stomach and she kicked and wriggled when I covered it over so it was like she could tell the difference between dark and light so that tells me that maybe her eyes have opened :dance: :dance:

She's a real baby and she is all mine!!! Oh I love my baby she is great :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Phew had to get that off my chest!
Awwwww, can I join in and say........

..........I LOVE MY BABY TOO! :D

:hug: :hug:
The best thing is that the feeling just keeps growing, my eldest son is 6 and i look at him sometimes and i feel like my heart is going to explode where i love him so much, it hurts!

Aww lady, that brought a smile to my face, seeing as I was on an eastender type outburst last night :shock:

I love reading threads like this, I’d like to say congratulations and hope you and your family all the best!

I love my bun too!
awww hun. the best thing is is that feeling just keeps growing and growing and growing, i look at my daughter and i am overwhelmed by how much i love her. xxxxx
I'm not even as scared as I was about giving birth because I can't wait to have her here plus it feels like i've been pregnant for years and I want my own body back :dance:

It's going to be soooooo strange seeing her for the first time but I just know I will melt as soon as I see her :D :D :D
i keep getting told storys by my bfs parents or him well more dreams they have. whats gonna happen etc.

its a wondeful feeling tho init, us women go through alot but men cant feel what we feel inside our bodys with a lil human being growing inside :)

its great :)

:cheer: :dance:
It's a feeling that no-one can prepare you for.

And it is what gives you reason for living, a purpose that makes sense of everything.

I'm really happy for you, you clearly have all the ingredients of a fantastic Mummy. Enjoy!
it's so great, when OH plays with the baby and it punches back i feel so good about everything even though i'm bricking it.

i just say to OH sometimes, "i'm gonna be someone's mom, someone is going to call me mom" and it's as if it hasn't quite sunk in yet

i worry about that feeling though - apparently you fall in love with your baby when it's born and you look in their eyes.. well i've never really been one for kids, and just worry that what if i don't get like that and i think, urgh it's a baby.. i don't wanna be like that :(
i get the same i could stare at ma tummy for hours its like the babys having a party in there. im really happy for you- youll be a great mum!
xnatx :dance:

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