Baby Jack has arrived 14/06/06


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2005
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Hi everyone just home from hosp yesterday.
My baby arrived 6.49 Wed 14th June . He's so perfect & we're bothy mad about him. Had a show early hours Tues morn & again Tues eve. Went to hosp for 9pm Tues night. Had fairlybad back pain had benn using my breathing & exercise ball at home to ease it. Had got quite intense bu once I gotin car seemed to ease a bit. Arrived at hosp about 9 they examined me but I wasnt dilated. Offered for me to stay as I am 30 miles from hosp but I decided to go home for a few hours sleep. We headed for home but only got a couple of miles up road & pain intense gain my gut instinct said to head back for hosp. We did but they examined me agin & Istill wasnt in proper labour. Put me on a ward & did trace for a while. Pain got very bad mainly back my hubbie was great rubbing my back & calming me down. I used my breathing but was getting tired. Asked for epidural but they couldnt give it to me on that wardthey wouldnt send me to delivery ward until I was 3cm &could get it there. Between 12 & 4.30 I went from 0 to 10cm without them realising & wanting to push . Was sent to delivery but it was too late for epidural used gas & air & pushedfor next 2 hours. Hard going as baby's head turned & stuck at one stage but was all worth it in the end when our little fela was born 8lb 9 perfect & healthy. Thank God.I'm so happy. Thanks to ev 1 , this forum kept me going from miscarriage to ttc to here xxx
Lorrie :lol:
awww (that story made me cry) lol its so sweet :)
Congratulations Lorrie - what a great story!

Doesn't seem like two minutes since you got your BFP. Time goes so fast. I'm really pleased all is well and am looking forward to the piccies.
Congratulations Lorrie, well done for doing so well and being so brave :clap: :clap: .. What a promising story for those who have had m/c's.

Take care xx
Congratulations to you and your partner.

You did so well! A good sized baby with only gas and air, it really makes your feel proud of yourself afterwards doesn't it.

Enjoy your bundle of joy.

I love the name, I would have chosen it for our LO but we have a cat with the name and it would have confused the whole household :D
Congratulations Lorrie........sounds like you had a perfect labour!

Can't wait to see pics!!!!!!

Amy xx
:dance: :clap: Congratulations and welcome baby Jack! :clap: :dance:
Thanks everyone.
I will put some pics up soon.
Does anyone have any handy tips on how to post pics, not quite sure?
Lorrie xx :oops:
congratulations hun! we havent met before but Ill look forward to your posts and pictures of your little one.

Do you have a photobucket account? If you register with that and uplpoad your pictures there, then post the link on here, you will find the link under the photo, you need the last link which is img (anyone correct me if I am worng :) )
congratulations :dance: welcome baby jack wish you all well, cant wait to see some pictures xhannahx


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