Baby in a 'strange' position and measuring big now!


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2011
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Been for midwife check up today and baby's head still seems right buried into my hip so not engaged at all and midwife seems to think it could make my labour difficult if it stays there so got to swim/float lots and do those exercises on all fours. Also measuring 2 weeks ahead now which is strange as I always see same midwife and been spot on last few times so think babys been greedy last two weeks! Asked about the cramps as well and she said sometimes it can be due to lack of calcium, that's a new one on me! Good excuse to eat lots of milky, creamy and cheese things anyway!
better get floating they eh? :lol: hope bubs shifts for youo soon, sounds to me like you could be on team blue :blue: lol x
Hopefully bubs will move for u soon!!
Mmmmmmm cheeeeeese!!! Wish I had an excuse to eat heaps of cheese lol!! Ooh fancy cheese on coat jets smothered in clover now mmmmmm :)
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Your right princess, I'm sure this baby is team blue!
Sounds like a bit of good news & a bit of bad news doesn't it. Good that baby is measuring bigger, & not so good about the position, but i'm sure you'll be able to turn baby, or it could turn itself, still plenty of time.

Try not to worry to much, you do regular exercise anyway don't you? So it should be no bother to do an extra couple of exercises!

M2A managed to get her wee princess moved from breech by going on the ball!

I've been told to lay off the gym! Midwife thinks I might have been doing too much so baby being 'held' in place. I was also chatting to our spin instructor the other day and she said to lay off gym now as well as she had such a difficult birth with her 4th baby as her tummy muscles were holding him in place as she was still working out until the end! Never heard of this before but kind of makes sense now!
wow glad you have the excuse of cheese mmmmmmm! if i was wearing a hat i would take it off to ya for still going gym, i cannot walk up the stairs without getting out of breathe!
is this where one of those balls can help you to move the baby into position? xxx
Hi Sarah! Good that LO is measuring well! Hope that bubs moves away from your hip and engages soon! Maybe MW right, perhaps you are just too 'toned' and things wont slacken enough for him to nestle in down there! Go put your feet up and eat chocolate! lol!!xxx
Hopefully bubs will move for u soon!!
Mmmmmmm cheeeeeese!!! Wish I had an excuse to eat heaps of cheese lol!! Ooh fancy cheese on coat jets smothered in clover now mmmmmm :)

Bloody auto correct!! Not coat jets.. Crackers!!! :rofl:
Doesn't it just!!! Tbh it comes in handy sometimes.. I'm so used to it when I write on my laptop I kinda expect it to come out right when I've clearly spelt it wrong :lol:

Spelt is a word right??? Its given me spelunking instead??! Lol!!

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