Baby not in position


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2010
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Well had my midwife appt on Friday and midwife thinks baby is breech. ( i think LO is lying across my tummy at moment as feeling something lodged in to the right under my rib).

So have to go back next week (24th) to see if there is any change in position. I will be 37 weeks then. If not she's sending me for a scan and said they might try to turn baby.

Have been bouncing on my ball and down on all fours but LO keeps going back to it's comfy place. Little rascal.

So time will tell as to what's gonna happen.:oooo:
Fingers crossed that your lil monkey gets into position on their own hun xxx
oh thats a bit annoying, lets hope that baby turns by itself, if not and they turn the baby thats ok too, xxx
I hope so. LO has found it's comfy place in there i think!
Hope LO turns for you hun, acupuncture can be really effective for turning breech babies if u wanted to try something a little less 'manual'?!
I hope your little one turns, my 2nd was breech till 37 weeks when she just turned, also with my 4th they were convincd she was breech sent for scan and she was head down, went to see consultant straight after he felt my tummy and said yes definately thats a head there by your ribs, i said no scan said not he checked and said wow thats the hardest bum i have ever felt lol. with my 2nd a did alot of all floors with my bum up in the air whether that helped or not i have no idea but was advised to do it so i did.

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