Baby heartbeat *update*

wen i was pregnant i was told by both GP and midwife 2 diffo ones at 2 diffo times
that from bout 36 weeks they can take a very good guess of the sex of the baby from heart beat and postition,
i was told Bray was gonna be a boy (scan didnt say) by all 3 and the last time i did his nappy he was a boy :D
was told today that Logans is 140bpm and he's a boy.

Sounds like your midwife hasn't a clue so I wouldn't listen to her :hug: :hug:
Was the LO asleep?

Yesterday the MW took mine's heart rate and said it was fast BUT she also said that was MOST likely due to her being very active at the time (she was wriggling and stretching for england). That makes alot of sense to me - that the rate would be slower when less active and higher when they're awake and jigging.

Was you're LO fairly still and chilled at the time or boogeying?

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