Baby heartbeat/contraction monitor traces


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2007
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I have been in and out of hospital with pre-term labour symptoms for a the past few weeks. I was given medication to prevent labour at 31 weeks and steroids for baby's lungs to develop at 32 weeks. Since then, a combination of very bad Braxton Hicks made worse by SPD pains (which I thought could be contractions) and a mucous plug show have got me trotting off to hospital to get checked out every now and then.

Every time Im in hospital they obviously attach the baby monitor to me. I just wondered if anyone knew what to 'look out' for on the 'TOCO' monitor..the one that measures the rate and intensity of contractions. It seems to measure the intensity of contractions from 0 to 100. What is the average intensity rate when you are in active labour, does anyone know? My contractions (or more accurately 'tightenings' as the doctors clarified) have gone up to about 50-60 at times and stayed at that rate for about 30-45 seconds but they were obviously not enough to bring on active labour, however I am 1cm dilated and have been for about a week now.

Be interesting to know your experiences.
when i was hooked up to it, it showed mine were between 25 and 38 but they said it was normal :think:
Im always getting loads of tightenings/contractions but nothing ever seems to show up on that monitor! :wall:
I was hooked up to it last night and it stayed at 9 for the whole 20 minutes so obviously there isnt a thing goin on in my uterus lol
when i was in labour they actually got near the 100 mark but that was when they hurt like hell and i was in established labour :shock:
last pregnancy i was put on one, and mine were between 60 - 70 and i thought they felt like braxton hicks, so after they did internal and i was 5cm!!!

knew id be the only dumb ass not to notice when labour starts :rotfl:
When i was in active labour they were right up to 100 but before when ive been monitored and had BHs they have gone up to about 40-50 ish :)

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