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I am not coping well ***UPDATE BOTTOM PAGE 2*** :)


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2006
Reaction score
I have had these false labour contractions for 24 hours solid now. :(

The contractions are coming every 10 minutes and are really hurting, especially in my back passage (I mean REALLY painful). They haven't increased in frequency, but they have increased in intensity.

I just can't sleep, every time I doze off, another contraction hits me. I was doing really well up until yesterday teatime. Hypnobirthing breathing was helping lots, but now it isn't working so well. I don't know if it is because I am so tired.

I have been up all night now. I have just taken some paracetamol in the vain hope it will help ease the pain. I don't know what to do if it doesn't. A bath eases it temporarily and then it starts all over again. It wouldn’t be so bad if I was actually in labour, at least I would know the pain was purposeful. Sorry for whining, I just don’t know what to do.
Aw babe, I don't have any advice, I've been up all night too but just cause I can't get comfy. Maybe you could call MW in the morning and see if there's anything you can do? This is my first baby so I don't know, but would a hot water bottle help?

Have some of these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
hey michelle

i am up too.

poor u...try rocking on all fours, after being diagnosed with a back to back baby i read this can cause so much back pain and false labours. your baby is mebe trying to get into a good position.

i hope they ease up for you, i bet they are helping you to slowly dilate
I'm up too!!

Have some of thse honey :hug: :hug: ... Why is it false labour and not real labour??

yeah, how do you know it is false, esp if it is regular.
I would mebe ring your labour suite hun, sounds painful !
let me know, not sure who your text bud is, but you have my number...
hope they either progress to labour or calm down
get checked sweetie.
i was so sure it was just false labour pain but i turned out to be 3cm. i thought that because my contactions werent what i read they would be like i went threw 2 nights of no sleep then went in to full blwn labour but my body was too weak to cope so i didnt dialate at all. have a warm bath and a warm drink and ring the the hospital :hug: :hug: :hug:
how are things now hun?
i would be tempted to go to the hospital and get checked over just to see if anyting is happening with dilations
manda xx
I'm sorry to hear you're feeling like this hun :hug: Have you been checked out? It sounds like it could be real contractions to me hun.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: sorry to hear you've been in pain for so long, you must be so tired :(

I agree with the others, give your midwife a call and ask to be examined. Maybe you are more dilated than you think. Good luck hun :hug: :hug:
Morning :) I have been dozing inbetween contractions - they are still here and painful :cry:

Thank you for all your hugs and nice words! :hug: :hug: :hug:

I think it is false labour because I haven't had a show and my waters are still in tact. Also in real labour the contractions are supposed to increase in frequency and intensity. (Mine have got more painful over time, but it depends what position I am in.) That is another sign it is false - real labour doesn't ease up if you change position etc, I can ease the pain by sitting on the edge of this chair (not very practical though, as I really really really want to go to sleep :( )
I am going to ring the midwife in a minute though - although I feel silly, but I just need to whinge. I am sure she is going to say 'have a bath and a paracetamol' lol - have done both = rubbish!)

Will let you know what she says....
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
i really hope it kicks off properly for you hun, chin up, not long til you meet your LO xxxxx
Happybunny said:
I think it is false labour because I haven't had a show and my waters are still in tact. ....

My mum's waters broke at 9cm with me so don't rely on them to tell you!
I hope this is it for you :hug: :hug:
((Happybunny)) big hugs for you :hug:

This is REALLY crap and I know because I am having these false contractions too. Mine are more intense when lying down or walking around which is weird, so I try to spend a lot of each day sitting! I'm a lazy moo! I still get them then but they don't hurt as much - which is why like you I suspect false labour.

As you're now past your due date, this could be a sign that things are going to start for real and as others have said the birth experience may be easier because we'll already be a bit dilated? :pray:

Mind you, being unable to sleep through being awoken every 10-15 minutes isn't realistically gonna help me in labour! :rotfl:
Aww thanks! I am STILL waiting for the midwife to ring back! :wall:
Managed to get some snoozing in though, but contractions still here.
I am going to ring delivery suite if MW doesn't ring soon.

Bexs - sorry you're having this too, it really sucks doesn't it? :hug: :hug: :hug: I am glad it is not so painful for you now, but a good night's sleep wouldn't go amiss I am sure! :hug:
Glad you have rung the midwife because this is how the pains were for me, mine didnt increase in intensity at all, and when i got to the hospital i was 3cm, you never know
Hopefully MW or hospital will ask you to come in just to check. You never know :)

Rest up till then :hug: :hug:

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