Baby Harry Michael Here

Lovely news, congratulations Kanga, he's beautiful! xxx
congrats kanga hes a cutie
Omg well done sweetie!! Big congrats and welcome to the world Harry xx
congratulations honey he is absolutely beuatiful! xxx
Big congratulations Kanga, he is beautiful. Hope you have a speedy recovery. Xx
Thank u everyone for ur congratulations messages. We got home from hospital after 8pm last night and have both been doing well. (started writing this at 4.30 this afternoon and now it's 9pm :shock: ) I really can say being a mummy is the best job ever and time is going far too fast. Everytime I see my lil mans face I fall deeper in love if that is even possible! :love:

Had a small breakdown during the night as it suddenly hit me just how serious things got at the hospital. My DH at one point was so scared he was gonna lose both or one of us! :cry: it's so scary to think that after everything that had happened to get to the end and still nearly lose him :cry:

Anyway I'm rambling, I will try and get online in the next couple of days to write up my birth story in detail.

Best of luck to all the upcoming due date/ overdue ladies, hope ur LO's are here soon xxx
Glad to hear you are home and getting settled hun,

Try not to dwell on what could have been though, it sounds as though you and little Harry were looked after very well.

He is just delicious sweetie!

Lots of love to you all

He is absolutely gorgeous!!
Glad to hear ur doin well hun x
Aww he's gorgeous hun! :D What a time you had in the end :hugs: so glad you're both doing well. Can't believe I missed this, we are on holiday. Wishing you a speedy recovery :) x x
Massive congratulations xx
What a beautiful little boy, Congratulations!

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