Gosh is my little pickle really 6 months and 3 weeks old? I keep thinking of her as only just 6 months, this month is flying by! Has been suffering a bit the past couple of days with her teeth, been waking very early, not crying as such but fidgety/unsettled. Will also struggle at times to go off for naps during the day because of the pain. Calpol helps but is a bugger to administer! Ends up with most of it down her bib

Mostly use teething powder & dentinox.
Still doing well on solids, we're working our way through a full list of fruit & veg, yesterday she tried peach for the first time. Going to give it another week or 2 then introduce meat & fish. Am losely following the cow & gate book but also have Annabel Karmel's which will come in useful for receipes later on. Had a great time swimming last week, bought a rubber ring with a seat inside so in the shallows she can touch the bottom and wade along on her own! She loves it. Aiming to take her once a fortnight.
Off on holiday to Devon a week today, shame this weather has been so nasty but will still be a nice break. Grace's first proper holiday how exciting!

That said my packing list is massive!! Bought an inflatable bath to take as the cottage only has a shower, and borrowing a travel cot off a friend. Going to take jars of food for the journey then will make up purees whilst we're there. Going in convoy with OH's brother & gf so will make stops on the way with them (have a 6 hour drive!).
Have a busy weekend ahead, my brother is down from Nottingham, will be the first time he has seen his niece since Christmas! OH's mum also down so Grace will have plenty of fuss made of her!