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Baby Grace 24/05/2011


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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Finally have a chance to get it down! SORRY ITS A LONG ONE!

Friday 20/5 41weeks + 1
Had my midwife appt on the Friday as I was overdue, waited for over an hour to be seen in a really hot waiting room! Midwife took blood pressure, was a bit high but she said I'll take it again in 10mins as I was abit flustered lol. She asked if I would like a sweep and I quickly answered yes! While she was doing it had my "show" and she said I was 3.5-4cm dilated. *woohoo* I thought things would be happening that night, asked if I had had any contractions I said no just a bit of cramping and she replied "yeah they are contractions" (Yeah right! lol) Took blood pressure again and tested urine-still high and trace of protein. Wasnt worried though wanted to keep calm and kept thinking baby will be here soon. Sent up to day assessment unit to be monitored, kept there for a few hours but all was well and was sent home. Midwife said how lucky I was to be that dilated with out the pain-Told her I was longer for the pain so I knew things where happening! She had a good laugh:oooo:

Honestly thought things would be kicking off after that sweep! My sis even left her job to come down as she was going to be there with me at the birth I was convinced something would happen!

All weekend (as I had been doing for about three weeks anway) ate my weight in pinneapple, went for long walks, drove over all the speed bumps in my area, had sex and bounced on the ball. NOTHING!!!

Sunday night sat on the fricking ball for 3 hours while watching tv went to bed a midnight and woke up at 4.30 starting crying lol thought the baby would never come! No cramps either!

Monday Morning- Was in a foul mood, mum and sis convinced me to go to Westfields (shopping centre) to walk around while they shopped- (Not always a good idea when your heavily pregnant and your slim mum and sis get to try on beautiful clothes lol- I was massive at the end of my pregnancy) I started to complain that I didnt feel well so I got my self a juice and sat down while the wondered around, went to the loo and had a little trickle of what looked like green water - tmi and greenish discharge in my knickers. I got a bit worried so I called my OH and we decided best thing to do was call Day assessment unit. They said to come in- it was very quite when I got there! Only two midwives on duty and no other pregnant ladies (*quite different to the friday) Midwives were lovely- had a good laugh with the matron she was a really jolly West Indian lady and put me at ease! (She kept hitting OH with my dirty knickers lol) She said she thought baby may have pooed and was gonna send me up to labour ward to be induced. Was happy but abit nervous as I new this meant the drip - not how I had imagined my birth to go!

Right sorry gonna get to the birth now lol!

So got up to the ward around 6pm and put on the monitor. (Every so often could hear screams thought that will be me soon!) Midwife said they were busy and doctor would come and check on me soon. She said I better have some food as I wouldnt be able to while on the drip. Doctor eventually came and confirmed I was 3cm but waters hadnt gone and they thought baby hadnt pooed! But to be on the safe side and as I was 11 days over anyway the would go ahead with the drip. Midwife finished shift wished me well and said the next midwife would be with me constantly.

11pm- had the drip started, (thought the contractions were going to be 0-100 pain wise like I had heard as people say it makes it more intense but it honestly wasnt like that) lovely midwife with us she said baby would have the same birthday as her daughter and it was bringing lots of memories back to her which was nice.

1am Contractions were 4 in 10mins, decided it was time for the tens but to be honest the tens was annoying me! I think not long after that midwife said would I like gas and air said yes- Although contractions werent very painful at this stage. She brought it in and left us for 5mins. Started on the gas and air - bliss lol Made me go abit doolally! Told sis and OH it was all mine and to take that f****** machine of my back and take it back to the shop. We then watched a film! Cant really remember timings at this stage as it felt like time was going so fast which was a really good thing. Remember what the midwife had said in the antenatal class about how to use the gas and air so while I wasnt having a contraction I sort of slept, head midwife checked me and said I was still 3-4cm but I wasnt to bothered as I was coping and she kept saying how brilliant I was doing so I was quite proud of myself! A little while later she checked again and I was 5cm- started to feel abit disheartened (also OH and sis popped out for a fag which pissed me off! lol) But I was still coping!

Was a shift change again so midwife said she hoped to see me and baby on labour ward tomorrow evening! Head midwife then stayed with me, they were very happy with babys heartbeat said it was beautiful and consistant so they werent at all worried about the drip, which they were increasing every half an hour. (Apparently they kept asking me when I had contractions if I could feel that as they were showing up high on the monitor and I said yeah but its not very painful) Started to get uncomfortable on the bed as I been in the same position for hours, so midwife said I could sit on the ball. Wow really helped me! didnt need the gas and air was so comfortable......then my waters broke and boy did baby move down! I was really feeling it! Back on the gas and air, OH was brill massaging my back and telling me how much he loved me and I was doing really well.

Then I said I needed to poo so off I went to the toilet- pain was getting unbearable now came out and said if I'm only 5cm then I want the epidural! Midwife said ok and went off to sort it out (or so I thought) Sis had left to swap with mum and get a coffee so it was just me and OH. I kept saying the head is right there shouting THE HEAD IS RIGHT THERE!! lol OH looked and said no it isnt! I said YES IT IS!! My body was actually pushing by its self, OH panicked and ran out as mum was coming in and got the midwife who returned with the doctor. (Now I know that she had gone because she knew I was ready to push) I asked when can I have the epidural? Doctor replied your not going to need it...I was confused as I was apparently 5cm about 2 hour ago!?! He checked and said yep babys coming very soon. I kept shouting Thank God Thank the Lord! LMAO! Mum ran out and got sis. New midwife came, said no more gas and air and said she thought she would be with me her whole shift but knew now that wouldnt be the case! I had a couple more toots of it before she took it out of my hand LOL. Then sis started crying and breathing deeply, she said if your gonna faint sit down cos this babys coming soon!

Midfwife explained how to push and said when ever you have pain push as hard as you can, OH and sis had a hand each and I pushed for my life. The break in between was amazing! Found it difficult to breathe as I pushed and OH kept reminding me to take short breaths. Midwife said I was born to push! I said dont say that LOL! She said normally I get millitant with mums but your doing brilliantly! I didnt think this myself at the time! 20 mins of pushing and my beautiful baby daughter Grace arrived at 8.45am weighing 7 pounds 12 ounces and put on me straight away! She had a little cry and opened her eyes I was overwhelmed and couldnt believe I had done it! My sister was balling! OH was balling and kept kissing me and cut the cord. (He also said he wouldnt look "down there" but he did and loved it lol)

Had the injection for placenta. Midwife kept tugging and saying better not tug to hard dont want to detach it! Lol after half hour I said I need to poo lol she said no thats the placenta push! So one push and it came out all intact.

I had a second degree tear and needed stiches. (Had to wait two hours for this to be done but I was so over joyed with my little girl I didnt care) They werent as uncomfortable as I thought they would be! I was able to sit down all be it very carefully. 6pm that day was moved to birth centre ward and grandparents came and visited. Unfortunatly was next to a really loud mum who had LOADS of visitors, she couldnt speak english so was difficult to tell her to SHUT UP lol and her older son fell backwards into my bed through the curtain he was a little brat. I got really pissed off! and OH shouted a little bit lol they were quite from then on!

At home now Grace is an angel sleeping really well at night only wakes up once for a feed so Im getting 7hours almost! Breastfeeding was bit of a nightmare at first. She didnt latch on properly so my nipples where destroyed. I was in agony! Had to stop for 2days as I was screaming with the pain (funny not in labour?!?!) Much better now as I went to a support group I cant recommend it enough they were so helpful and not pushy or judging like some of the community midwives. Im doing combination feeding as havent got enough milk but Im told the more I breastfeed the more milk I make so hopefully I can stop the bottles at some point! Im so in Love!

Sorry for the long post, didnt realise but I wanted to get in all down so I could go back a remember! x

Will add pictures later on need to feed Grace x


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Lovely story Hun sounds like you did fabulously!!! xx
Lovely story, well done and many congrats!! Xxx
You did very well throughout all of that. Congratulations!! xx
Congratulations hun, sounds like you did brilliantly :) And good luck with the breastfeeding!! xxx
congratss!! shes beautiful and i love the name x
Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful daughter x
ah loved reading your story..

i'm finding it amazing to read how other people put into words that feeling of how intense the contractions are and that pushing part - i still can't get over it myself what it actually felt like! you just can't describe it eh?

Sounds like you did an amazingly well - congrats and well done x x x

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