Baby Cubes


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2008
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Getting all our stuff ready for weaning (yay) and I'm looking for some of the wee cubes that I can put made-up food into and freeze. the wee ones that have lids on?

does anyone know any shops/sites to buy them? thanks gals :D
Get ice cube trays hun! Then you can just pop out a few cubes and thaw in micro! :D

Worked well for us!

Kim x x x x
A good tip if you ever bought breast milk storage bags before LO was born, I use them to store puree in because I had oad left over. f not e bay is good as meggiewoo mentioned or you can just use normal ice cube trays and when frozen pop the squares out and put them into snadwich bags, then you just take out as many cubes as you need from the ba, put the rest back in the freezer and defrost what you want to use. HTH

I bought flexible ice cube trays from Tesco for £1 each and they were great, I used to freeze stuff then take it out if the tray and just put in a freezer bag so I could use the trays again.

I had the cubes with lids but didn't like them as much as you need loads of them because you can't take them out once they are frozen.
I bought a pack of 3 ice cube trays from Asda for less than a quid. Also i have Annabel Karmel ones which you can buy off ebay, or Boots sell them. They have the lids on.
I was never keen on the annabel karmel ones as they are so blooming hard to get out!!

The tescos ones were much easier
I originally started using ice cube trays for freezing pureed fruit and veg for my LO, however I've now moved on to using Baby Cubes - firstly because they are BPA-free (and the ice cubes trays I used definitely weren't) ... and secondly because I've now moved on to the Stage 2 pots, which hold bigger portions, plus having a lid on the pots means I can take them out and about with me and feed LO straight from the pot!
I got my Baby Cubes online from VUPbaby, they sell both the stage 1 and larger stage 2 pots.
I got some in asda an tesco, I just slide a knife down the side and the frozen contents just pops out x

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