What do you think about this?


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2007
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After my last post, http://www.pregnancyforum.co.uk/forum/v ... highlight=

we went back to just milk for a while with Imogen. Then we re-introduced the baby rice and built up to other foods (as we had done before she had tummy bug and then cold). Anyway, she is doing soooo well. Here is a typical day...

7-7.30 awake!
8/8.30 Breakfast, - porridge with 2 cubes of apple and mixed with formula milk (I make food, put in ice cubes then freeze) and offered 7oz of milk - she'll take about 4oz

12/12.30 Lunch - 2 cubes of veg and baby rice mixed with milk - 7oz offered, she'll take about 4oz again

3 pm - bottle 7oz offered - she'll take 4-5 oz

6 pm tea - potato and veg (4 cubes) mixed with some formula milk and 7oz offered - she'll take 4-5 oz

11 pm ish 7oz bottle offered - she'll take 4-6oz

My question - do you think LO is getting enough milk? I know lots of people post about this (I am no different...a worrier!)

I am wondering whether I should offer a bottle about 10/10.30 am (between breakfast and lunch) and make lunch a bit later?

Also, we are wasting quite a bit of milk....should we start making 6oz again???

What do you all think?

Also, we know she eats a lot of things, apple, pear, potato, sweet potato, carrot, parsnip, butternut squash ... should I just start offering some new stuff (like broccoli) which has a more distinct taste now?
Would you offer it alone, or with potato etc. We've always introduced new tastes with rice or potato to just let LO become familiar with it, before giving it in a more concentrated way, IYKWIM.

I think the guidelines state that as long as the baby is having between 18 and 28 oz of milk per day with solids then everything is fine.

Looking at your figures Imogen is having 20oz using the lowest figures so that should be fine.

I'd make up 6oz bottles and just offer more if she drains them.

If she's gaining weight at a good/normal rate and happy then I wouldn't worry too much xx

Evie varies everyday in what she has..some days she'll only have 21oz but most days she'll polish off about 26-28oz :shock: :roll:

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