Baby clothes sizing?


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Connie is nearly 6 weeks but already some of her 0-3 months sleepsuits are scrunching up her toes and some of the trousers we've got look like ankle swingers on her :( . The Marks and Spencer sleepsuits are still long enough for her but I don't think it will be long until her toes touch the end. Because she's skinny everything looks baggy on her. She doesn't seem to be getting any wider just longer and longer :shock: .

When did all your LO's go up to 3-6 month size?
Thomas is just going into 3-6 but not in lenth he can still fit in newbie in lenth just width he needs it bigger :)
if its sleepsuits hun just cut the feet off them they will last longer that way also i brought thomas some sleepsuits from adams i found them really long
mine is on 6 months for the past 3 weeks already LOL.
Coreys in 6-9month sleep suits... hes loooooooong.

You gotta go with what fits, sizes vary so much... like babys vary so much! :)
Angel has been in 3-6 for a month. But, like you, she's getting longer, her legs in particular. So 3-6 trousers fit round the waist but are getting short, as are sleep suits. I'm bother if i move her to 6-9 they'll be too big in the waist.
Galen went into 3-6 months at 6 weeks in sleepsuits :wall: Clothes were a bit longer but not much.

He's now close to busting out of those and will be in 6-9 month ones very soon. He'll need to go up to 6-9 in tops also soon but can get away with the trousers a bit later.

Next do generous sizes both in length and body fit. I love their sleepsuits and always get a set of 3 from them. Also like they have built in scratch mits till 6 months which is handy to keep hands warm at night.
Wouldn't it be easier if they did sizes instead of ages. She can still wear her newborn t-shirts just having trouble with leg length already :roll: . Started putting her into long sleeved vests and then into her sleeping bag at night now so she isn't squashing her toes.
Becky is off the chart for height but is only just now going into her 6-9 month stuff. I like the next stuff too, it seems to last a lot longer than the others. We get a lot of stuff for her in the Netherlands when we're there too as it's generous length-wise. They go by length there rather than ages which is far more sensible - at least there's some consistency in sizing between shops over there unlike here!
Luke was still in some NB stuff at about 3 months (tops). 0-3 saw him through til about 4 1/2 months and he is now is 3-6 but some of it is absolutely massive on him. I put him in some 6-9 sleepsuits JUST for the leg length because he is long and also some 6-9 trousers for the same reasons but the waist is always big.

It can be very difficult sometimes.... :?
Louis is mainly wearing 3-6 months now but a couple of 0-3 months clothes from Next still fit (I think Next clothes are huge!).
some of ryans 6-9 months sleep suits are getting a bit small for him so he does wear some 9-12 sizes as well but then when it comes to clothes he is just starting to out grow a few of his 3-6 month clothes but not many! He wears a mixture of 3-6 and 6-9 because i dont find theres a huge difference between the 2 sizes really
I think Calleigh went into 3-6 at around 2 to 2 and a half months :think:

I have recently just had to move her up to 6-9 as the majority of her 3-6 is too small for her.
Benjamin just moved into 0-3 months, he's only just grown out of his newborn sized clothes.
Your LO must be taller than him.
My son is over 8 months and he still fits in 3-6month trousers! he even has some tesco 0-3 baby vests which fit him fine! I normally buy him 6month+ t-shirts coz i like them baggy. ideally he needs 6month+ length in trousers but they are huuuuge around his waist! it also doesnt help that everydam shop is different with their sizes. I find the supermarkets stuff it huuuge on him, next is always too short and wide. ethal austin (sp?) is ridiculously small etc etc! i normally go for mothercare, matalan or boots.
Bethany is in size 0-3 months in clothes still, next is the most generous we've found but tesco are generous too.
Sprog's just going into 3-6 month stuff in Next and Tesco, mainly for length - his Next trousers are MASSIVE around the waist as he's quite thin, and the pair of combats I had him in today came up around his armpits. Not the look either of us were going for.
Finlay has is only just going into 3-6 months clothes and he is 23 weeks

But it depends where u get them from - different shops are different with their sizes

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