baby cant sleep in cot/ mucusy throat


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
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Help me i think i am going crazy

my boy sounds like he is drowning when i lay him flat. He also gags and chokes and coughs randomly throughout, not just sleep time

He currently has thrush on his tongue which we are treating but doesnt seem to be helping, i am trying to get an appointment with my doctor to look in his throat, but hy are busy and i have to try each day in the morning for cancellations. He can only sleep in his infant chair, which is a nice big round type one with the back up quite high. I have raised up his cot as high as i can and i try and put him it it every night but he tosses and turns and snorts and hacks in the back of his throat, he doenst cry just ends up getting frustrated. This has been going on for some time now and i spent all last night up worrying about him sleeping in his chair and how bad for his back this is. Does this sound like anyone elses baby? Has anyone got any tips/ advice?
Yes sounds just like my baby was and still is occasionally, i spoke to a paediatrician yesterday about it and she said that one thing you can try doing in tilting the cot slightly, also i was told that sleeping them on their side is ok to as long as you put them so they cant roll onto their side.

If his chair is flat it shouldnt do his back any harm but its not ideal.

Personally i would demand to see your doctor as this needs to get seen to. Tell them its an emergency appiontment.
Ring your HV and go see your GP because you must be so upset by it all and your LO doesn't sound very comfy bless him, you both need some reassurance and good advice :hug: :hug: :hug:
I too would suggest laying him in his basket/cot on his side, you can prop him up with rolled cellular blankers or even a baby positioner, he should be fine on his side as long as he can't roll on his front :hug: :hug:
There's always NHS direct too, they'll be able to give advice, or there's this site which may help;
Very best wishes :hug:
I'm sorry I'm not sure what to suggest but I think it's descusting (SP?) how your doctors are dealing with it!! :x here a young child/baby is given an urgent appointment even for the smallest of things!

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