baby boy killed by rottweiler

theres a news conference on sky news at 3pm about it. they are saying rottweilers should be added to the dangerous dogs list with the likes of pitbulls. what do you think? personally i dont want my little girl near ANY dog. i dont care what kind it is. i dont trust any animals any more, no matter how much of a family pet they are.

im not scared of dogs and i dont want Ami to be when she is older but i will never leave her anywhere there is one or i will never take her to anybodys house if they have a dog. i feel really strongly about this now. if i was that little boys mum i dont know what id do. id have stabbed the beast.
Poor family.... :cry:

rottweilers are strange dogs.... they can be big softees.. but they can also be quite temperamental. Tbh I think the dog thought the little boy was carrying a toy and grabbed it from him.

You have to be so careful with big dogs and babies.
I think there are some breeds that are more prone to viciousness than others,rottweilers included.We have a cairn terrier,who is a good natured friendly dog who adores Willow,but I would still never leave her in the room alone with him,because at the end of the day dogs are unpredictable.I doubt Wilf would ever go for Willow but as long as the risk is there I'll take precautions.For one,he could hurt her by accident somehow. We live in the country and there are dogs everywhere,most of them properly controlled and as long as Willow learns to respect them I don't see a problem. On saying that i think having a rottweiler in the same house as a one year old is an accident waiting to happen
grace1983 said:
theres a news conference on sky news at 3pm about it. they are saying rottweilers should be added to the dangerous dogs list with the likes of pitbulls. what do you think? personally i dont want my little girl near ANY dog. i dont care what kind it is. i dont trust any animals any more, no matter how much of a family pet they are.

im not scared of dogs and i dont want Ami to be when she is older but i will never leave her anywhere there is one or i will never take her to anybodys house if they have a dog. i feel really strongly about this now. if i was that little boys mum i dont know what id do. id have stabbed the beast.

My dad was a dog handler and I grew up with rottweilers and german shepherds... I was almost killed by my parents first Shepherd because I was taking all the attention away... and he was put down.

Dogs do things for reasons... as they can't talk we don't know what those reasons are... thing is they have weapons and they can use them.

While we never had any further problems with our dogs, except one summer where it was really hot and one of our dogs had to be locked away and hosed down everyday, to cool him off.... My dad knew how to handle them (obviously :roll:) and they were highly trained. Also they were never our "pets" they were working dogs, and were treated as such.

All dogs are dangerous (I've seen some nasty vicious little rat dogs that should be shot and put down, but obviously can't kill anything bigger than a mouse), and yes rottweilers along with Shephards should be added to the dangerous dogs list... they are big dogs and unfortunately they don't understand their strength, and many owners don't realise that these are animals and can be dangerous.
Squiglet said:
All dogs are dangerous (I've seen some nasty vicious little rat dogs that should be shot and put down, but obviously can't kill anything bigger than a mouse), .

I couldn't agree more.Down the road from me there's a National trust village,and all the dogs are meant to be kept on leads.But these weekenders who rent a cotage there let ther three nasty little Jack Russells run free.They always attack poor Wilf and try to nip my ankles,and I swear,if they do that when Willow is toddling,I will drown them in the sea :x :x
dont get me wrong, i love animals. i cried for the siberian tiger than got shot the other day because some prat probably left his door open and i even feel a little sorry that the rottweiler had to be shot dead. apparently he had never shown any signs of aggression towards any human or animal in the time they had him as a pet so that shows the unpredictability. it wasnt the dogs fault, he didnt murder the baby on purpose, as you said squiglet - they cant talk, they cant express their feelings, he could never explain.

a bloody list of dangerous dogs will not help, the safest option is for parents or guardians to keep dogs well away from children. common sense could prevent all these awful tragedies.
Bring back dog licences I say.. at least then people will have to pay to have a dog which would probably make those people who aren't really that responsible, decide to go for a nice gold fish instead. :rotfl:
what gets me is something like this always happes when children are left alone with dogs, you just wouldnt leave a child alone with any dog???no matter how much you trust them, we have a staffy who has never shown any sign of agression to anyone but i definatly wont be leaving my baby alone with him, i always think there has to be more to these stories than what the news tell us
samandbump said:
what gets me is something like this always happes when children are left alone with dogs, you just wouldnt leave a child alone with any dog???no matter how much you trust them, we have a staffy who has never shown any sign of agression to anyone but i definatly wont be leaving my baby alone with him, i always think there has to be more to these stories than what the news tell us

the dog was outside in the yard. the auntie went upstairs and the 7 year old girl picked the little boy up to go and stroke the dog, she opened the door and the dog snatched the baby out of her arms.

the door should have been locked really but it wasnt like they were all left in the same room. the auntie will blame herself, the 7 year old will blame herself, the mother will blame herself, the grandmother will blame herself but who do you blame? i dont know what id do if i was in that position. its a terrible shame.

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